Articles In Journals
- (310) Daegun You, Orcun Koray Celebi , Diab W. Abueidda, Gorkem Gengor, Ahmed Sameer Khan Mohammed , Seid Koric , Huseyin Sehitoglu, Inverse design of short-range order arrangement via neural network, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2025 (pdf)
- (309)Daegun You, Orcun Koray Celebi, Ahmed Sameer Khan Mohammed, Ashley Bucsek, Huseyin Sehitoglu, The derivation of CRSS in pure Ti and Ti-Al alloys, International Journal of Plasticity, 2025,(pdf)
- (308)Ahmed Sameer Khan Mohammed, Huseyin Sehitoglu , Structural characteristics of irrational Type-II Twin interfaces, International Journal of Plasticity, 2024 (pdf)
- (307)Ahmed Sameer Khan Mohammed, Huseyin Sehitoglu , Thermodynamic rationale for transformation-induced dislocations in shape memory alloys, Acta Materialia, 2024,(pdf),
- (306) R. Sidharth, T.B. Celebi, H. Sehitoglu, Origins of functional fatigue and reversible transformation of precipitates in NiTi shape memory alloy, ActaMaterialia,2024,
- (305)Orcun Koray Celebi, Gorkem Gengor, Daegun You, Ahmed Sameer Khan Mohammed, Ashley Bucsek, Huseyin Sehitoglu, Distorted dislocation cores and asymmetric glide resistances in titanium, Acta Materialia, 2024,
- (304)G. Gengor, O.K. Celebi, A.S.K. Mohammed, H. Sehitoglu , Continuum strain of point defects, J. of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids,2024,
- (303) D. You, O. Celebi, ASK. Mohammed, H. Sehitoglu, Short Range Order Mechanics in FCC Crystals, I. J. Plasticity, 2024,
- (302) Robert Chulist, Anna Wójcik, Alexei Sozinov, Tomasz Tokarski, Marek Faryna,Norbert Schell, Werner Skrotzki, Bin Li, Huseyin Sehitoglu, Xi Li, and Wojciech Maziarz, Adaptive Phase or Variant Formation at the Austenite/Twinned Martensite Interface in Modulated Ni–Mn–Ga Martensite, Advanced Functional Materials, 2024,
- (301)Daegun You , Orcun Koray Celebi , Ahmed Sameer Khan Mohammed ,
Huseyin Sehitoglu, Negative stacking fault energy in FCC materials-Its implications, International J. Plasticity, 2023 (pdf) - (300) Ahmed Sameer Khan Mohammed, R. Sidharth,Wael Abuzaid,Hiroshi Akamine,Minoru Nishida & Huseyin Sehitoglu Orientation Relationships in FeMnNiAl Governed by Martensitic Substructure, Shape Memory and Superelasticity (2023) (pdf)
- (298)G. Gengor, ASK.Mohammed, H. Sehitoglu, The complexity of {1121} twin interface structure and energetics in HCP materials, Acta Materialia, 2023 (pdf)
- (297) H Sehitoglu, G Anlas, ASK Mohammed, (Shape Memory Alloys – Frontier Developments) Elsevier, Comprehensive Structural Integrity (Second Edition), 2, 610-679, 2023 (pdf)
- (296) Effect of Dislocation Character on the CRSS, OK Celebi, ASK Mohammed, H Sehitoglu, Acta Materialia, 118982, 2023(pdf)
- (295) Resolving intragranular stress fields in plastically deformed titanium using point-focused high-energy diffraction microscopy, W Li, H Sharma, K Peter, S Ravi, H Sehitoglu, A Bucsek, Journal of Materials Research, 1-14, 2023
- (294)CRSS determination combining ab-initio Framework and Surrogate Neural Networks, D You, OK Celebi, ASK Mohammed, DW Abueidda, S Koric, H Sehitoglu, International Journal of Plasticity, 103524,2023 (pdf)
- (293) Deformation-induced microstructural evolution of fiber-matrix interface in pyrolytic carbon-carbon composites, ASK Mohammed, R Rateick, H Sehitoglu, Acta Materialia 242, 118498, 2023(pdf)
- (292) R. Sidharth, A. S. K. Mohammed, H. Sehitoglu, Functional Fatigue of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy: Effect of Loading Frequency and Source of Residual Strains, Shape Memory and Superelasticity, 2022
- (291)Ahmed Sameer Khan Mohammed, Orcun Koray Celebi, Huseyin Sehitoglu, Acta Materialia, Critical stress prediction upon accurate dislocation core description, 233 (2022) 117989,(pdf)
- (290) John W. Sanders , Niloofar Jamshidi,Negar Jamshidi, Mohsen Dadfarnia , Sankara Subramanian, Huseyin Sehitoglu, James Stubbins, Petros Sofronis,Effects of diffusion and primary creep on intergranular cavitation at high temperatures, Int J Fract, 2022(pdf)
- (289)Orcun Koray Celebi, Ahmed Sameer Khan Mohammed, Jessica A. Krogstad, Huseyin Sehitoglu, Evolving dislocation cores at Twin Boundaries: Theory of CRSS Elevation, International Journal of Plasticity, 2021,(pdf)
- (288) {1012} Twin interface structure and energetics in HCP materials, Gorkem Gengor, Ahmed Sameer Khan Mohammed1, Huseyin Sehitoglu, Acta Materialia 219 (2021) 117256, (pdf)
- (287)R. Bichara, H. Sehitoglu, J. Lambros, Representative Volume Elements for Plasticity and Creep Measured from High-Resolution Microscale Strain Fields , Acta Materialia, 2021 (pdf)
- (286)S. Ravi, ASKMohammed, W. Abuzaid, H. Sehitoglu, Unraveling Frequency Effects in Shape Memory Alloys: NiTi and FeMnAlNi,Shape Memory Superelasticity, 2021(pdf)
- (285) ASKMohammed, H. Sehitoglu, Strain-sensitive Topological Evolution of Twin Interfaces, Acta Materialia,208 116716, 2021, (pdf )
- (284) Abueidda, Diab W; Koric, Seid; Sobh, Nahil A; Sehitoglu, Huseyin; International Journal of Plasticity 136 102852 2021(pdf)
- (283) Sanders, John W; Dadfarnia, Mohsen; Sehitoglu, Huseyin; Stubbins, James; Sofronis, Petros; On the stress field ahead of a stationary crack tip during the transition from primary to secondary creep, International Journal of Solids and Structures 2020(pdf)
- (282)Yaacoub, J; Abuzaid, W; Brenne, F; Sehitoglu, H; Superelasticity of (TiZrHf) 50Ni25Co10Cu15 high entropy shape memory alloy Scripta Materialia 186 43-47 2020(pdf)
- (281)Sidharth, R; Wu, Y; Brenne, F; Abuzaid, W; Sehitoglu, H; Relationship Between Functional Fatigue and Structural Fatigue of Iron-Based Shape Memory Alloy FeMnNiAl Shape Memory and Superelasticity, 2020(pdf)
- (280)Sidharth, R; Abuzaid, W; Vollmer, M; Niendorf, T; Sehitoglu, H; Fatigue Crack Initiation in the Iron-Based Shape Memory Alloy FeMnAlNiTi, Shape Memory and Superelasticity 6 3 323-331 2020 (pdf)
- (279)Brenne, F; Mohammed, ASK; Sehitoglu, H; High resolution atomic scale characterization of dislocations in high entropy alloys: critical assessment of template matching and geometric phase analysis Ultramicroscopy 113134 202 (pdf)
- (278)Sidharth, R; Abuzaid, W; Sehitoglu, H; Nano-twinning enhanced room temperature fatigue crack growth in single crystalline CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy Intermetallics 126 106919 2020(pdf)
- (277)S.K.Mohammed, H.Sehitoglu, Martensitic twin boundary migration as a source of irreversible slip in shape memory alloys, Acta Materialia 186 (2020) 50-67 (pdf)
- (276)S.K.Mohammed, H.Sehitoglu, Modeling the interface structure of Type II twin boundary in B19′ NiTi from an atomistic and topological standpoint, Acta Materialia,183 (2020) 93–109 (pdf)
- (275)W. Abuzaid, Y. Wu, R. Sidharth, F. Brenne, S. Alkan, M. Vollmer, T. Niendorf, H. Sehitoglu Iron Based Shape Memory Alloys – Promises and Challenges, Accepted to Shape Memory and Superelasticity, April 2019(pdf)
- (274)E. Sgambitterra, C. Malettaa, P. Magar. Renzo, F. Furgiuele, , H. Sehitoglu, Effects of temperature on fatigue crack propagation in pseudoelastic NiTi shape memory alloys, Accepted to Shape Memory and Superelasticity, April 2019(pdf)
- (273) S.Alkan, H. Sehitoglu, Prediction of Transformation Stresses in NiTi Shape Memory Alloy, Acta Materialia, June 2019, (pdf)
- (272) Y. Wu, J. Yaacoub, F. Brenne, W. Abuzaid, D. Canadinc, H. Sehitoglu,Deshielding Effects on Fatigue Crack Growth in Shape Memory Alloys, Acta Materialia, June 2019, (pdf)
- (271) Yaacoub , Y. Wu , W. Abuzaid , D. Canadinc , H. Sehitoglu Martensite Variant Localization Effects on Fatigue Crack Growth – The CuZnAl Example, , Scripta Mat., June 2019 (pdf)
- (270) Wael Abuzaid , Huseyin Sehitoglu , Shape memory effect in FeMnNiAl iron-based shape memory alloy, Scripta Materialia 169 (2019) 57–60, (pdf)
- (269) S.K. Mohammed, H.Sehitoglu , R.Rateick, Interface graphitization of carbon-carbon composites by nanoindentation, Carbon, 2019 (pdf)
- (268) S. Alkan, H. Sehitoglu, Plastic Flow Resistance of NiTiCu Shape Memory Alloy-Theory and Experiments, Acta Materialia, 163 (2019) ,(pdf)
- (267) W. Abuzaid, H. Sehitoglu, Superelasticity and functional fatigue of single crystalline FeNiCoAlTi Iron-based shape memory alloy, Materials and Design, 2018, (pdf)
- (266)M. Bönisch, Y. Wu & H. Sehitoglu,Twinning-induced strain hardening in dual-phase FeCoCrNiAl0.5 at room and cryogenic temperature, Nature Scientific Reports, (2018) 8:10663, DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-28784-1(pdf)
- (265) M. Bonisch, Y.Wu, H. Sehitoglu, Hardening by Slip-Twin and Twin-twin Interactions in FeMnNiCoCr, Acta Materialia, 2018 (pdf)
- (264)E. Sgambittera, C. Maletta, F. Furgiuele, H. Sehitoglu, Fatigue crack propagation in [012] NiTi single crystal alloy, I. J. Fatigue, 2018, (pdf)
- (263)H. Sehitoglu, S. Alkan, Recent Progress on Modeling Slip Deformation in Shape Memory Alloys, Shape Memory and Superelasticity, 2018(pdf)
- (262) S. Alkan, A. Ojha, H. Sehitoglu, The Complexity of Non-Schmid Behavior in the CuZnAl Shape Memory Alloy, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 114, 238-257, 2018(262)
- (261)Y.Wu, M. Bonisch, S.Alkan, W.Abuzaid, H. Sehitoglu, Experimental Determination of Latent Hardening Coefficients in FeMnNiCoCr, I. J. Plasticity,105 239–260, 2018 (pdf)
- (260)S. Alkan, Y. Wu, A. Ojha, H. Sehitoglu, Transformation Stress of Shape Memory Alloy CuZnAl: Non-Schmid Behavior, Acta Materialia, 2018, (pdf)
- (259)W. Abuzaid, H. Sehitoglu, Plastic Strain Partitioning in Dual phase Al13CoCrFeNi High Entropy Alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2018(pdf)
- (258)S. Alkan, A. Ojha, H. Sehitoglu, Determination of latent hardening response for FeNiCoCrMn for twin-twin interactions, Acta Materialia, 2018 (pdf)
- (257)P. Chowdhury, H. Sehitoglu, Atomistic Fault Energetics and Critical Stress Prediction for fcc and bcc Twinning: Recent Progress, ASME , J. Engineering Materials and Technology, 2018, (pdf)
- (256) Piyas Chowdhury, Huseyin Sehitoglu, Richard Rateick , Damage tolerance of carbon-carbon composites in aerospace application, Carbon, 2018 (pdf)
- (255) Piyas Chowdhury, Demircan Canadinc, Huseyin Sehitoglu, On deformation behavior of Fe-Mn based structural alloys, Materials Science and Engineering R 122 (2017) 1–28(pdf)
- (254) S. Alkan, H. Sehitoglu, Nonuniqueness of the fatigue threshold, I. J. Fatigue, 104 (2017) 309–321(pdf)
- (253)Y. Wu, E. Ertekin, H. Sehitoglu, Elastocaloric cooling capacity of shape memory alloys – Role of deformation temperatures, mechanical cycling, stress hysteresis and inhomogeneity of transformation, Acta Materialia (2017), doi: 10.1016/j.actamat.2017.06.012.(pdf)
- (252)S. Alkan, H. Sehitoglu, Dislocation core effects on slip response of NiTi- a key to understanding shape memory, International J. Plasticity, (2017)(pdf)
- (251) H. Sehitoglu , Y. Wu, E. Ertekin, Elastocaloric effects in the extreme, Scripta Materialia (2017)(pdf)
- (250)H. Sehitoglu, Y. Wu, L. Patriarca, G. Li, A. Ojha, S. Zhang, Y. Chumlyakov, M. Nishida,
Superelasticity and Shape Memory Behavior of NiTiHf Alloys, Shape Memory And Superelasticity, 2017(pdf) - (249) S. Alkan, H Sehitoglu, Giant Non-Schmid Effect in NiTi, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2017 (pdf)
- (248) W.Abuzaid, H Sehitoglu, Critical Resolved Shear Stress for Slip and Twin Nucleation in Single Crystalline FeNiCoCrMn High Entropy Alloy, Materials Characterization, 2017(pdf)
- (247) W.Abuzaid, H Sehitoglu, ‘Functional fatigue of Ni 50.3 Ti 25 Hf 24.7–Heterogeneities and evolution of local transformation strains‘,, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2017(pdf)
- (246) H. Sehitoglu, Y. Wu, S. Alkan, E. Ertekin, ‘Plastic Deformation of B2-NiTi- Is it Slip or Twinning?’ Philosophical Magazine & Philosophical Magazine Letters,, 2017(pdf)
- (245) P. Chowdhury, H. Sehitoglu, Deformation physics of shape memory alloys – Fundamentals at atomistic frontier, Progress in Materials Science, 88, 2017, 49–88 (pdf)
- (244) P.G. Luccarelli, , G.J. Pataky, H. Sehitoglu, S. Foletti, Finite element simulation of single crystal and polycrystalline Haynes 230 specimens, International Journal of Solids and Structures, in press, 2017(pdf)
- (243) S. Alkan, H. Sehitoglu, Non-Schmid response of Fe3Al: The twin-antitwin slip asymmetry and non-glide shear stress effects, Acta Materialia,2017, (pdf)
- (242) P. Chowdhury, H. Sehitoglu, A revisit to atomistic rationale for slip in shape memory alloys, Progress in Materials Science, 2017,(pdf)
- (241)H. Sehitoglu, Y. Wu, L. Patriarca, Shape memory functionality under multi-cycles in NiTiHf, Scripta Materialia, 129, 2017, 11-15 (pdf)
- (240) A.Ojha, H. Sehitoglu, Transformation Stress Modeling in New Fe-Mn-Al-Ni Shape Memory Alloy, International J. Plasticity,86, 93-111, 2016 (pdf)
- (239) H. Sehitoglu, L. Patriarca, Y.Wu, Shape Memory Strains and Temperatures in the Extreme, Articles in Press, Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science, 2016, (pdf)
- (238) G. Ren, H. Sehitoglu,Interatomic potential for the NiTi alloy and its application, Computational Materials Science,123,19–25, 2016 (pdf)
- (237)E. Yu. Panchenko, Yu. I. Chumlyakov, N. Yu. Surikov, A. I. Tagiltsev, N. G. Vetoshkina, K. S. Osipovich, H. Maier, and H. Sehitoglu, Orientation Dependence of Functional Properties in Heterophase Single Crystals of the Ti36.5Ni51.0Hf12.5 and Ti48.5Ni51.5 Alloys, Russian Physics Journal, 58, 11,1534-1543, 2016(pdf)
- (236) A.Ojha, H. Sehitoglu, Critical Stresses for Twinning, Slip, and Transformation in Ti-Based Shape Memory Alloys, Shape Memory and Superelasticity, published online,2016 (pdf)
- (235) Y.Wu, L.Patriarcha, H.Sehitoglu, Y.Chumlyakov, Ultrahigh Tensile Transformation Strains in New Ni50.5Ti36.2Hf13.3 Shape Memory Alloy, Scripta Materialia, 2016 (pdf)
- (234)P.Chowdhury, H. Sehitoglu, Significance of slip propensity determination in shape memory alloys, Viewpoint article, Scripta Materialia, 2016(pdf)
- (233) S. Rabbolini, P. Luccarelli, S.Foletti, S. Beretta, H. Sehitoglu, Near-tip closure and cyclic plasticity in Ni-based single crystals, International Journal of Fatigue, 2016(pdf)
- (232) P.Chowdhury, H. Sehitoglu, R. Rateick, Recent advances in modeling fatigue cracks at microscale in the presence of high density coherent twin interfaces, Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science, 2016 (pdf)
- (231) W. Abuzaid, H. Sehitoglu, J. Lambros, Localization of Plastic Strain at the Microstructurlal level in Hastelloy X subjected to Monotonic, Fatigue, and Creep loading: The role of grain boundaries and slip transmission, Materials at High Temperatures, 2016(pdf)
- (230) P.Chowdhury, L. Patriarca, G.Ren, H. Sehitoglu, Modeling NiTi Superelasticity in Presence of Nanoprecipitates, I. J. Plasticity,81,152-167, 2016 (pdf)
- (229)L. Patriarca , H. Sehitoglu , E. Yu. Panchenko , Y.I. Chumlyakov, High-temperature functional behavior of single crystalNi Ti Hf shape memory alloy, Acta Materialia, 2016(pdf)
- (228) L.Patriarca, Y.Wu, H. Sehitoglu, High Temperature Shape Memory Behavior of NiTiHf Single Crystals, Scripta Materialia, 2016 (pdf)
- (227)P.Chowdhury, H. Sehitoglu, Mechanisms of fatigue crack growth – A critical digest of theoretical developments, Fatigue and Fracture of Eng. Mats.Structures, 2016 (pdf)
- (226) Ojha, A., H. Sehitoglu, Slip Resistance of Ti Based High Temperature Shape Memory Alloys, Shape Memory and Superelasticity,1,5, 2016(pdf)
- (225) P. Chowdhury, G. Ren, H. Sehitoglu, Bridging the Gap in Modeling NiTi Superelasticity, Phil. Mag Letters, 2016(pdf)
- (224) S. Alkan, P.Chowdhury, H. Sehitoglu, R.Rateick, H.J.Maier, Role of Nanotwins on Fatigue Crack Growth Resistance -Experiments and Theory, I. J. Fatigue, 2016(pdf)
- (223) Patriarca, L., A. Ojha, H. Sehitoglu, Y.I. Chumlyakov, Slip nucleation in single crystal FeNiCoCrMn high entropy alloy, Scripta Materialia, 112,54-57, 2016(pdf)
- (222) Wu, Y., L.Patriarca, G.Li, H. Sehitoglu, Y. Soejima, T. Ito, M. Nishida , Shape Memory Response of Polycrystalline NiTi-12.5Hf Alloy- Transformation at Small Scales, Shape Memory and Superelasticity, 1,3,2015 (pdf)
- (221) Panchenkoa,E.Y., Yu. I. Chumlyakov, N. Yu. Surikova, H. J. Maier, G. Gerstein, and H. Sehitoglu, Superelasticity in HighStrength Heterophase Single Crystals of Ni51.0Ti36.5Hf12.5 Alloy, Technical Physics Letters, 41, 8, 797–800, 2015 (pdf)
- (220) Ojha, A., H. Sehitoglu, Critical Stress for the bcc-hcp martensite nucleation in Ti-6.25at.%Ta and Ti-6.25at.%Nb alloys, Comp. Mats. Science, 2015, Editors Choice, 111, 157–162, 2016 (pdf)
- (219) Chowdhury, P., H.Sehitoglu, H.J.Maier, R. Rateick, Strength Prediction in NiCo Alloys – The Role of Composition and Nanotwins, to appear in I. J. Plasticity, 2015 (pdf)
- (218) Ojha, A., S.Alkan, L.Patriarca, H. Sehitoglu, Y.Chumlyakov, Shape memory behavior in Fe3Al- Modeling and Experiments, Philosophical Magazine,, 2015 (pdf)
- (217) Garrett J. Pataky, Elif Ertekin, Huseyin Sehitoglu, Elastocaloric cooling potential of NiTi, Ni2FeGa, and CoNiAl, Acta Materialia, 96, 420–427, 2015 (pdf)
- (216) A. Ojha, L. Patriarca, H. Sehitoglu, Pseudoelasticity in Fe3Ga with Boron-A Combined Atomistic-Micromechanical Treatment” I. J. Plasticity, 72 , 185-199, 2015 (pdf)
- (215) Chowdhury, P., H. Sehitoglu, and H.J.Maier, “Mechanical Response of Low Stacking Fault Energy Co-Ni Alloys – Continuum, Mesoscopic and Atomic Level Treatments,” I. J. Plasticity, 71,32-61, 2015(pdf).
- (214) Wu, Y., A. Ojha, L. Patriarca, and H. Sehitoglu, “Fatigue Crack Growth Fundamentals in Shape Memory Alloys,” Shape Memory and Superelasticity Journal, Inaugural Issue, April 2015 (pdf).
- (213) Patriarca, L., and H. Sehitoglu, “High-temperature superelasticity of Ni50.6Ti24.4Hf25.0 shape memory alloy,” Scripta Materialia, 101, 12-15 2015(pdf)(pdf)
- (212) Rabbolini, S, G.J. Pataky, H. Sehitoglu, and S.,Beretta, Fatigue crack growth in Haynes 230 single crystals: An analysis with digital image correlation, to appear in Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 2015 (pdf).
- (211) Swaminathan, B. ,W. Abuzaid, H. Sehitoglu,J.Lambros , Investigation using digital image correlation of Portevin-Le Chatelier in Hastelloy X under thermo-mechanical loading, I. Journal of Plasticity, v 64, p 177-192, , 2014 (pdf)
- (210) Ojha, A., H. Sehitoglu, L. Patriarcha, and H.J. Maier, “Twin Nucleation in Fe-based BCC Alloys-Modeling and Experiments,” Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2014_(pdf)_
- (209) Ojha. A.,H.Sehitoglu, Twinning Stress Prediction in bcc Metals and Alloys, Philosophical Magazine Letters,v 94, n 10, p 647-657, 2014. (pdf)
- (208) Pataky, G. and H. Sehitoglu, “Experimental methodology for studying strain heterogeneity with microstructural data from high temperature deformation,” to appear in Experimental Mechanics, 2014 (pdf)
- (207) Chowdhury,P., H. Sehitoglu, R. Rateick, Fatigue Threshold Determination in the Presence of Microstructural Barriers- Part 2, to appear in International Journal of Fatigue, 2014) (pdf)
- (206) Chowdhury, P., H. Sehitoglu, R. Rateick, Fatigue Threshold Determination in the Presence of Microstructural Barriers- Part 1, to appear in International Journal of Fatigue, 2014 (pdf)
- (205) J. Wang, H. Sehitoglu, Martensite Modulus Dilemma in Monoclinic NiTi-Theory and Experiments, to appear in I. J. Plasticity, 2014 (pdf)
- (204) J. Wang, H. Sehitoglu, Modeling of Pseudotwinning in Fe3Ga, Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 22, 055008, 2014(pdf)
- (203) J.Wang, H. Sehitoglu, Modeling of Martensite Slip and Twinning in NiTiHf Alloys, Philosophical Magazine, 2014 (pdf)
- (202) J.Wang, H. Sehitoglu, Dislocation Slip and Twinning in Ni-based L12 type Alloys, Intermetallics, 52, 20-31, 2014 (pdf)
- (201)A. Ojha, H. Sehitoglu, L. Patriarca, H.J. Maier, Twin Migration in Fe-based BCC Crystals-Theory and Experiments, Philosophical Magazine, 94, 16, 1816–1840, 2014 (pdf)
- (200)J. Wang, H. Sehitoglu, Modeling of Pseudoelasticity via Reversible Slip in Fe3Ga” , Computational Materials Science, 87,34-42, 2014 (pdf)
- (199) Chen, Q., Andrawes, B. Sehitoglu, H., Thermomechanical Testing of FeNiCoTi Shape Memory Alloy for Active Confinement in Concrete, Smart Materials and Structures, 2014
- (198) Caspersen, M., J. Carroll, J.Lambros, H. Sehitoglu, R. Dodds, In vestigation of thermal effects on fatigue crack closure using muti-scale digital image correlation, I. J. Fatigue, 61, 2014, 10-20 (pdf)
- (197) Wang, J., H. Sehitoglu, H.J.Maier, Dislocation Slip Stress Prediction in Shape MEmory Alloys, to appear in I. J. Plasticity, 2013 (pdf)
- (196) Patriarcha, L., W. Abuzaid, H. Sehitoglu, H.J. Maier, “Slip Transmission in bcc FeCr Polycrystal,” Materials Science and Engineering, A 588, 308-317, 2013 (pdf)
- (195) Wang, J., H. Sehitoglu, “Twinning Stress in Shape Memory Alloys-Theory and Experiments,” 61, Acta Materialia,6790-6801, 2013 (pdf)
- (194)Pataky, G., H. Sehitoglu, H.J. Maier, Creep deformation and mechanisms in Haynes 230 at 800 °C and 900 °C, J. Nuclear Materials, 2013 (pdf)
- (193) Carroll, Jay D. ; Abuzaid, Wael Z.; Lambros, John; Sehitoglu, Huseyin, On the interactions between strain accumulation, microstructure, and fatigue crack behavior, International Journal of Fracture, 180, 2, 223-241, April 2013 (pdf)
- (192) Bharath Swaminathan, John Lambros, Huseyin Sehitoglu, Digital Image Correlation Study of Mechanical Responseof Nickel Superalloy Hastelloy X Under Thermal and Mechnical Cycling: Uniaxial and Biaxial Stress States, The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 2013(pdf)
- (191) D.W. Gross, K. Nygren, G.J. Pataky, J. Kacher, H. Sehitoglu, I.M. Robertson, The evolved microstructure ahead of an arrested fatigue crack in Haynes 230, Acta Materialia, 61, 15, 5768–5778, 2013 (pdf)
- (190) P.Chowdhury, H. Sehitoglu, H.J.Maier, R. Rateick, Modeling Fatigue Crack Growth Resistance of Nanocrystalline Alloys, Acta Materialia, v 61, n 7, p 2531-2547, 2013 (pdf)
- (189) W. Abuzaid, A.Oral, H. Sehitoglu, J. Lambros, H.J.Maier, Fatigue Crack Initiation in Hastelloy X – The Role of Boundaries, Fatigue and Frature of Engineering Materials and Structures, 2013 (pdf)
- (188) L. Patriarca, W. Abuzaid , H.Sehitoglu,H. J. Maier, Y. Chumlyakov, “Twin nucleation and migration in FeCr single crystals”, Materials Characterization, 75, 165-175, 2013 (pdf)
- (187) T. Ezaz, J. Wang, H. Sehitoglu, H.J. Maier, Plastic deformation of NiTi shape memory alloys, Acta Materialia, 2012 (pdf)
- (186) G.Pataky, H. Sehitoglu, H.J. Maier, Very High Temperatuer Fatigue Crack Growth in Haynes 230″, Materials Characterization, 2012 (pdf)
- (185) W. Abuzaid, H. Sehitoglu, J. Lambros, , Plastic Strain Localization and Fatigue Micro-crack Formation in Hastelloy X, Materials Science and Engineering, 561, 507-519, 2013 (pdf)
- (184) Wang, J., H. Sehitoglu, Resolving Quandaries Surrounding NiTi, Applied Physiscs Letters, v 101, n 8, 2012 (pdf)
- (183) Ezaz, T.., H.Sehitoglu, W. Abuzaid, H.J.Maier, Higher Order Twin Modes in Martensitic NiTi- The (201) Case, Materials Science and Engineering A, v 558, p 422-430, 2012 (pdf)
- (182) Carroll, J.D., W. Abuzaid, J. Lambros, and H. Sehitoglu, “High Resolution Digital Image Correlation Measurements of Strain Accumulation in Fatigue Crack Growth,” to appear in International Journal of Fatigue, 2012 (pdf)
- (181) Sehitoglu, H., J. Wang, and H. J. Maier, “Transformation and Slip Behavior of Ni2FeGa,” to appear in International J. Plasticity, 2012 (pdf)
- (180) Pataky, G., H. Sehitoglu, R. Hamilton, M. Sangid, H.J.Maier and P. Sofronis, “Mixed Mode Fatigue Crack Growth in 316 Stainless Steel,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2012 (pdf)
- (179) Canadinc, D., H. Sehitoglu, and Y. Jiang, “Investigation of Fatigue Crack Initiation due to Rolling Contact,” to appear in Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2012.
- (178) Sangid,M., Ezaz,T., Sehitoglu, H., Energetics of residual dislocations associated with slip-twin and slip-GBs interactions, Materials Science And Engineering A, 2012 (pdf)
- (177) Abuzaid,W., Sangid,M., Carroll,J., Sehitoglu, H., Lambros,J., Slip Transfer and Plastic Strain Accumulation across Grain Boundaries in Hastelloy X, to appear in Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2012 (pdf)
- (176) Sangid, M., G.J. Pataky, H. Sehitoglu, R.F. Hamilton, H. J. Maier, High resolution analysis of opening and sliding in fatigue crack growth, to appear in I. J. Fatigue, 2011 (pdf)
- (175) Ezaz, T., H. Sehitoglu, H.J. Maier, Energetics of (114) Twinning in B2 NiTi under Coupled Shear and Shuffle, Acta Materialia, 60, 1, 339-348, 2012 (pdf)
- (174) Sangid, M., G. J. Pataky, H. Sehitoglu, R. G. Rateick, T. Niendorf, and H. J. Maier, “Superior Fatigue Crack Growth Resistance, Irreversibility, and Fatigue Crack Growth ìMicrostructure Relationship of Nanocrystalline Alloys Acta Materialia,” 59:19, 7340-7355, 2011 (pdf)
- (173) Ezaz,T., H. Sehitoglu, H.J.Maier, Energetics of Twinning in Martensitic NiTi,Acta Materialia, Vol.59, Issue 15, Pages 5893-5904, 2011. (pdf)
- (172) Ezaz,T., H. Sehitoglu, Coupled Shear and Shuffle Modes During Twin Growth in B2-NiTi,Applied Physics Letters,98, 241906 , 2011. (pdf)
- (171) Ezaz,T., H. Sehitoglu, Type II Detwinning in NiTi, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.98,Issue.14, 2011. (pdf) (suppl)
- (170)Hamilton, R.F., S.Dilibal, H. Sehitoglu, H.J.Maier, Underlying Mechanism of Dual Hysteresisin NiMnGa single crystals, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 528, 3, 1877-1881, 2011 (pdf)
- (169) Ezaz,T., M. Sangid, H. Sehitoglu, Energy Barriers Associated with Slip-Twin Interactions, Philosophical Magazine A,Vol.91,No.10,1464-1488 ,2011 (pdf) (mov1) (mov2) (mov3) (mov4) (mov5)
- (168) Sangid, M., H. Sehitoglu, H.J. Maier, An energy-based microstructure model to account for fatigue scatter in polycrystals”,J. Mechanics and Physics of Solids,59, 3,595-609, 2011 (pdf)
- (167) Dilibal, S., H. Sehitoglu, R. Hamilton, H.J.Maier, Y. Chumlyakov,”On the Volume Change in Co-Ni-Al during Pseudoelasticity”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 528,6, 2875-2881, 2011(pdf)
- (166) Sangid, M. D., H. J. Maier, and H. Sehitoglu, “Physically-based Fatigue Model for Prediction of Crack Initiation from Persistent Slip Bands in Polycrystals,” Acta Materialia, 59,1,328-341, 2011. (pdf)
- (165) Sangid, M. D., T. Ezaz, H. Sehitoglu, and I. M. Robertson, “Energy of Slip Transmission and Nucleation at Grain Boundaries,” Acta Materialia,59,1, 283-296, 2011 (pdf)
- (164) Sangid, M., H.J.Maier, and H. Sehitoglu, “The Role of Grain Boundaries on Fatigue Crack Initiation – An Energy Approach,” I. J. Plasticity, 27, 801-821, 2011 (pdf)
- (163) Carroll,J., W. Abuzaid, J. Lambros, and H. Sehitoglu, “An Experimental Methodology to Relate Local Strain to Microstructural Texture,” Rev. Sci. Instrum. 81, 083703, 2010 (pdf)
- (162) Sangid, M., H. Sehitoglu, H. J. Maier, and T. Niendorf,” Grain Boundary Characterization and Energetics of Superalloys,” Materials Science and Engineering: A, 527, 26, 7115-7125, 2010 (pdf)
- (161) Efstathiou, C. and H. Sehitoglu, “Strain Hardening and Heterogeneous Deformation during Twinning in Hadfield Steel,” Acta Materialia,58,5,1479-1488, 2010 (pdf)
- (160) Kibey, S., L. L. Wang, J. B. Liu, H. T. Johnson, H. Sehitoglu, and D. D. Johnson, “Quantitative Prediction of Twinning Stresses in FCC Alloys: Applications to Cu-AL,” Physical Review, 79, 214202, 2009 (pdf)
- (159) Carroll, J, C. Efstathiou, J. Lambros, and H. Sehitoglu, R. Haber, S. Spottswood, and R. Chona, “Investigation of Fatigue Crack Closure using Mulitscale Image Correlation Experiments,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics,76,2384-2398, 2009 (pdf)
- (158)C. Efstathiou, H. Sehitoglu, J. Lambros, Multiscale strain measurements of plastically deforming polycrystalline titanium: Role of deformation hetererogeneities, International J. Plasticity, 26,1,93-106,2009 (pdf)
- (157) S. Kibey, H. Sehitoglu, D.D. Johnson,Energy landscape for martensitic phase transformation in shape memory NiTi, Acta Materialia,57,5, 1624-1629, 2009 (pdf)
- (156) C. Efstathiou, H. Sehitoglu, Strengthening Hadfield steel welds by nitrogen alloying, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 506,1-2,174-179, 2009 (pdf)
- (155)E.Y.Panchenko, Y.I.Chumlyakov,I.V.Kireeva,A.V. Ovsyannikov, H. Sehitoglu, I.Karaman, H.J.Maier, Effect of Disperse Ti3Ni4 Particles on the Martensitic Transformations in Titanium Nickelide Single Crystals, Physics Metals and Metallography, 106,6,577-589,2008 (pdf)
- (154) C. Efstathiou, H. Sehitoglu, Local Transformation Strain Measurements in Precipitated NiTi Single Crystals, Scripta Materialia, 59, 1263-1266, 2008 (pdf)
- (153) D.Canadinc, C. Efstahiou, H. Sehitoglu, On the Negative Strain Rate Sensitivity of Hadfield Steel, Scripta Materialia,59,10, 1103-1106, 2008 (pdf)
- (152) Y. Chumlyakov, E. Panchenko, I. Kireeva, I. Karaman, H. Sehitoglu, H.J. Maier, A. Tverdokhlebova, A. Ovsyannikov, Orientation dependence and tension/compression asymmetry of shape memory effect and superelasticity in ferromagnetic Co40Ni33Al27, Co49Ni21Ga30 and Ni54Fe19Ga27 single crystals.,481, 95-100, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2008 (pdf)
- (151) C. Efstathiou, H. Sehitoglu, J. Carroll, J. Lambros, H. J. Maier.Full-Field Strain Evolution during Intermartensitic Transformations in Single Crystal NiFeGa. 56,15, 3791-3799, Acta Materialia, 2008 (pdf) (video)
- (150) Inter-martensite Strain Evolution in NiMnGa Single Crystals R. F. Hamilton, H. Sehitoglu, K. Aslantas, C.Efstathiou, H. J. Maier, 56, 10,2231-2236, Acta Materialia, 2008. (pdf)
- (149) D. Canadinc, H. Sehitoglu, and K. Verzal,Analysis of Surface Crack Growth under Rolling Contact Fatigue, I. J. Fatigue, 30,1678-1689,2008. (pdf)
- (148) D. Canadinc, H. Sehitoglu , H.J. Maier and P. Kurath , On the Incorporation of Length Scales Associated with Pearlitic and Bainitic Microstructures into a Visco-Plastic Self-Consistent Model . Materials Science and Engineering: A,485,1-2,258-271,2008 (pdf)
- (147) Kibey, S. J. B. Liu , D. D. Johnson, and H. Sehitoglu, “Energy Pathways and Directionality in Deformation Twinning, 91,18, 181916, Applied Physics Letters, 2007. (pdf)
- (146) S.Kibey. J.B.Liu, D.D. Johnson, H. Sehitoglu , Predicting twinning stress in fcc metals: linking twin-energy pathways to twin nucleation, 55,20,6843-6851, Acta Materialia , 2007. (pdf)
- (145) Christos Efstathiou, Huseyin Sehitoglu , Peter Kurath, Stefano Foletti and Piermaria Davoli, Fatigue response of NiFeGa single crystals , Scripta Materialia , 57, 5, 2007, 409-412. (pdf)
- (144) R.F. Hamilton, H. Sehitoglu , C. Efstathiou and H.J. Maier, Mechanical response of NiFeGa alloys containing second-phase particles , Scripta Materialia ,57, 6 , 2007, 497-499. (pdf)
- (143)R.F. Hamilton, H. Sehitoglu , C. Efstathiou and H.J. Maier ,Inter-martensitic transitions in Ni-Fe-Ga single crystals , Acta Materialia , 55, 14, 4867-4876, 2007 (pdf)
- (142) E.G. Astafurova, I.V.Kireeva, Y. I.Chumlyakov, H.J.Maier, H. Sehitoglu, The Influence of Orientation and Alumnium Content on the Deformation Mechanisms of Hadfield Steel Single Crystals”, Int. J. Mat. Res. (formerly Z. Metallkd.), 98, 144-149,2007. (pdf)
- (141) D. Canadinc , H. Sehitoglu, H.J. Maier , “The role of dense dislocation walls on the deformation response of aluminum alloyed hadfield steel polycrystals”, Materials Science and Engineering, 454,662-666, 2007. (pdf)
- (140) Canadinc, D., H. Sehitoglu, H. J. Maier, D. Niklasch, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Orientation Evolution in Hadfield Steel Single Crystals under Combined Slip and Twinning,” International Journal Solids and Structures, 44, 34-50, 2007. (pdf)
- (139) Callaway, J. D., R. F. Hamilton, H. Sehitoglu, N. Miller, H. J. Maier, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Shape Memory and Martensitic Deformation Response of Ni2Mn Ga,” Smart Materials and Structures, 16, S108-S114, 2007. (pdf)
- (138) E.Yu.Kuznetsov, Tverdokhlebova, A.V.; Chumlyakov, Yu.I.; Karaman, I.; Sehitoglu, H. , Thermoelastic martensitic transformations, shape memory effect, and superelasticity in Ni54 Fe19 Ga27 ferromagnetic single crystals, Panchenko, Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, v 70, n 9, 2006, p 1549-1553
- (137) Kibey, S., J. B. Liu, D. D. Johnson, and H. Sehitoglu, “Generalized Planar Fault Energies and Twinning in Cu-AL Alloys,” Applied Physics Letters, 89:19, 191911, 2006. (pdf)
- (136) Callaway, J. D., H. Sehitoglu, R. F. Hamilton, K. Aslantas, N. Miller, H. J. Maier, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Magnetic Shape Memory in Ni2MnGa as Influenced by the Deformation Response” Applied Physics Letters, 89:22, 221905, 2006. (pdf)
- (135) S. Kibey, J. B. Liu, M. J. Curtis, D. D. Johnson, and H. Sehitoglu, “Effect of Nitrogen on Generalized Staking Fault Energy and Stacking Fault Widths in High Nitrogen Steels, Acta Materialia, 54, 2991-3001, 2006. (pdf)
- (134) Hamilton, R. F., H. Sehitoglu, C. Efstathiou, H. J. Maier, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Pseudoelasticity in Co-Ni-AL Single and Polycrystals,” Acta. Materialia, 54, 587-599, 2006. (pdf)
- (133) Hamilton, R. F., C. Efstathiou, H. Sehitoglu, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Thermal and Stress-Induced Martensitic Transformations in NiFeGa Single Crystals under Tension and Compression,” Scripta Materialia, 54:3, 465-469, 2006. (pdf)
- (132)w* Sehitoglu, H., C. Efstathiou, H. J. Maier, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Hysteresis and Deformation Mechanisms of Transforming FeNiCoTi,” Mechanics of Materials, 38, 538-550, 2006. pdf
- (131) Hamilton, R. F., H. Sehitoglu., C. Efstathiou, H. J. Maier, Y. Chumlyakov, and X. Y. Zhang, “Transformation of Co-Ni-Al Single Crystals in Tension,” Scripta Materialia, 53:1, 131-136, 2005. (pdf)
- (130)w*Wagoner Johnson, A., R. F. Hamilton, H. Sehitoglu, G. Baillas, H. J. Maier, Y. I. Chumlyakov, and H. S. Woo, “Analysis of Multistep Transformations in Single Crystal NiTi,” Met. and Materials Trans., 36A:4, 919-928, 2005. (pdf)
- (129)w* Sehitoglu, H., C. Efstathiou, H. J. Maier, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Magnetization, Shape Memory and Hysteresis Behavior of Single and Polycrystalline FeNiCoTi,” J. Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 292, 89-99, 2005. (pdf)
- (128)w*Canadinc, D., H. Sehitoglu, H. J. Maier, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Strain Hardening Behavior of Aluminum Alloyed Hadfield Steel Single Crystals,” Acta Materialia, 53, 1831-1842, 2005. (pdf)
- (127)w*Sehitoglu, H. T. Foglesong, and H. J. Maier, “Precipitate Effects on the Mechanical Behavior of Aluminum Copper Alloys – Part II: Modeling,” Metal and Materials Trans., 36A, 763-770, 2005. (pdf)
- (126)w*Sehitoglu, H., T. Foglesong, and H. J. Maier, “Precipitate Effects on the Mechanical Behavior of Aluminum Copper Alloys – Part I: Experiments,” Metal. and Materials Trans., 36A, 749-761, 2005. (pdf)
- (125) Karaman, I., E. G. Zakharova, I. V. Kireeva, Y. I. Chumlyakov, A. Shulmina, and H. Sehitoglu, “The Effect of Aluminum on Strength and Deformation Mechanisms in Hadfield Steel Single Crystals,” J. de Physique IV, 115, 243-250, 2004.
- (124)w* Chumlyakov, Y. I., E. Y. Panchenko, V. B. Aksenor, I. V. Kireeva, M. P. Kulesa, I. Karaman, and H. Sehitoglu, “The Shape Memory Effect and Superelasticity in Ti-Ni Single Crystals with One Variant Dispersed Particles,” J. de Physique IV, 115, 21-28, 2004.
- (123)w* Kibey, S., H. Sehitoglu, and D. Pecknold, “Modeling of Fatigue Crack Closure in Inclined and Deflected Cracks,” Int. J. Fracture, 129:3, 279-308, 2004. (pdf)
- (122)w* Alaca, E., Sehitoglu, H. and T. Saif, “Guided Self-assembly of Metallic Nanowires and Channels,” Appl. Phys. Letters, 84:23, 4669-4671, 2004. (pdf)
- (121)w* Chumlyakov, Y I.., I. V. Kireeva, E. Y. Panchenko, E. G. Zakharova, V. A. Kirillov, S. P. Efimenko, and H. Sehitoglu, “Shape Memory Effects in FeNiCoTi Single Crystals Undergoing Gamma to Alpha Thermoelastic Martensitic Transformations, Doklady Physics, 49:1, 47-59, 2004.
- (120)w* Efstathiou, C., H. Sehitoglu, A. J. Wagoner Johnson, R. F. Hamilton, H. J. Maier, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Large Reduction in Critical Stress in Co-Ni-AL upon Repeated Transformation,” Scripta Materialia, 51, 979-985, 2004. (pdf)
- (119)w* Zhang, X. and H. Sehitoglu, “Crystallography of the B2?R?B19′ Phase Transformations of NiTi,” Materials Science and Engineering., A374, 292-302, 2004. (119)
- (118)w* Hamilton, R. F., H. Sehitoglu, Y. Chumlyakov, and H. J. Maier, “Stress Dependence of the Hysteresis in Single Crystal Ni-Ti Alloys,” Acta Materialia, 52, 3383-3402, 2004. (pdf)
- (117)w* H. Sehitoglu, R. Hamilton, H. J. Maier, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Hysteresis in Ni-Ti Alloys,” J. de Physique IV, 115, 3-10, 2003. (pdf)
- (116)w* Chumlyakov, Y., E. Y. Panchenko, I. V. Kireeva, D. A. Shaporov, V. B. Aksenov, H. Sehitoglu, I. Karaman, K. Gall, and H. Maier, “The Shape Memory Effect and Superelasticity in Nickel-Titanium Single Crystals Aged Under Applied Stress,” J. de Physique IV, 112, 799-802, 2003.
- (115)w* Chumlyakov, Y., I. V. Kireeva, E. Y. Panchenko, V. B. Aksenov, V. A. Kirillov, A. V. Ovsyannikov, E. G. Zakharova, and H. Sehitoglu, “Shape Memory Effect and Superelasticity in Ti-Ni and Fe-Ni-Co-Ti Single Crystals,” Russian Physics Journal, 46:8, 811-823, 2003.
- (114)w* Kotil T., H. Sehitoglu, H. J. Maier, and Y. I. Chumlyakov, “Transformation and Detwinning Induced Electrical Resistance Variations in NiTiCu,” Materials and Engineering, A359, 280-289, 2003. (pdf)
- (113)w* Panchenko, E. Y., I. V. Kireeva, Y. I. Chumlyakov, V. B. Aksenov, S. P. Efimenko, I. Karaman, and H. Sehitoglu, “Features of Thermoelastic Martenstic Transformations in [001] Titanium-Nickel Single Crystals,” Doklady Physics, 48, 34-37, 2003.
- (112)w* Sehitoglu, H., D. Canadinc, R. Hamilton, X. Y. Zhang, K. Gall, I. Karaman, Y. Chumlyakov, and H. J. Maier, “Detwinning in NiTi Alloys,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 34A:1, 5-13, 2003. (pdf)
- (111)w* Engler Pinto Jr., C. C., H. Sehitoglu, and H. J. Maier, “Cyclic Behavior of AL319 T7B Under Isothermal and Nonisothermal Conditions,” ASTM STP, 1428, 45-64, 2003.
- (110)w* Canadinc, D., I. Karaman, H. Sehitoglu, Y. Chumlyakov, and H. J. Maier, “The Role of Nitrogen on the Deformation Response of Hadfield Steel Single Crystals,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 34A:9, 1821-1831, 2003. (pdf)
- (109)w* Newman, M, B. Robinson, H. Sehitoglu, and J. Dantzig, “Deformation Residual Stress and Constitutive Relations for Quenched W319 Aluminum,” Metallurgical Transactions, 34A:7, 1483-1491, 2003.
- (108)w* Su, X., M. Zubeck, J. Lasecki, H. Sehitoglu, C. Engler, C. Tang, and J. Allison, “Thermo-mechanical Analysis of Cast Aluminum Engine Components,” ASTM STP, 1428, 2003.
- (107)w* Chumlyakov, Y., I. Kireeva, E. Zakharova, N. Luzginova, H. Sehitoglu, and I. Karaman, “Strain Hardening and Fracture of Austenitic Steel Single Crystals with High Concentration of Interstitial Atoms,” Russian Physics Journal, 45, 3, 2002.
- (106)w* Sehitoglu, H., X. Y. Zhang, T. Kotil, D. Canadinc, Y. Chumlyakov, and H. J. Maier, “Shape Memory Behavior of FeNiCoTi Single and Polycrystals,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 33A, 3661-3672, 2002. (pdf)
- (105)w* Alaca, B., J. C. Selby, M. T. A. Saif, and H. Sehitoglu, “Biaxial Testing of Nanosccale Films on Compliant Substrates Fatigue and Fracture,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 73:8, 2963-2970, 2002. (pdf)
- (104)w* Karaman, I., H. Sehitoglu, Y. I. Chumlyakov, and H. J. Maier, “Deformation of Low Stacking Fault Energy Austenitic Steels,” Journal of Metals, 54, 7, 2002.
- (103)w* E. G. Zakharova, I. V. Kireeva, Yu I. Chumlyakov, S. P. Efimenko, H. Sehitoglu, and I. Karaman, “Deformation Mechanisms and Strain Hardening of Hadfield Steel Single Crystals Alloyed with Aluminum,” Doklady Physics, 47, 515, 2002.
- (102)w* Y. I. Chumlyakov, E. Yu Panchenko, I.V. Kireeva, S. P. Efimenko, V. B. Aksenov, and H. Sehitoglu, “Dependence of Shape Memory Effect and Superelasticity on the Number of Variants of Disperesed Particles in Titanium-Nickel Single Crystals,” Doklady Physics, 47, 510, 2002.
- (101)w* Gall, K., M. Dunn, Y. Liu, P. Labossiere, H. Sehitoglu, and Y. I. Chumlyakov, “Micro and Macro Deformation of Single Crystal NiTi,” Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology A, 124, 238, 2002.
- (100)w* Alaca, B. E., M. T. A. Saif, and H. Sehitoglu, “On the Interface Debond at the Edge of a Thin Film on a Thick Substrate,” Acta Materialia, 50, 1197-1209, 2002.
- (99)w* Jiang, Y., B. Xu, and H. Sehitoglu, “Three-dimensional Elastic-plastic Stress Analysis of Rolling Contact,” Journal of Tribology, 124, 699-708, 2002. (pdf)
- (98)w* Chumlyakov, Y. I., S. P. Epinenko, I. V. Kireeva, E. Y. Panchenko, H. Sehitoglu, K. Gall, and L. H. Yahia, “Effects of Shape Memory and Superelasticity in Aged TiNi Single Crystals,” Doklady Physics, 46:12, 849-852, 2001.
- (97)w* Karaman, I., H. Sehitoglu, H. J. Maier, and Y. I. Chumlyakov, “‘Competing Mechanisms and Modeling of Deformation in Austenitic Stainless Steel Single Crystals With and Without Nitrogen,” Acta Materialia, 49:19, 3919 3933, 2001.
- (96)w* Gall, K., N. Yang, H. Sehitoglu, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Fracture of Precipitated Single Crystal and Polycrystalline NiTi Shape Memory Alloys,” International Journal of Fracture, 109, 189 207, 2001.
- (95)w* Sehitoglu, H., J. Jun, X. Zhang, I. Karaman, Y. Chumlyakov, H. J. Maier, and K. Gall, “Shape Memory and Pseudoelastic Behavior of 51.5% Ni Ti Single Crystals in Solutionized and Overaged State,” Acta Materialia, 49, 3609 3620, 2001. (pdf)
- (94)w* Gall, K., K. Juntunen, H. J. Maier, H. Sehitoglu, and Y. I. Chumlyakov, “Instrumented Micro Indentation of NiTi Shape Memory Alloys,” Acta Materialia, 49, 3205-3217, 2001. Single Crystals,” Acta Materialia, 49, 3621 3634, 2001.
- (93) Sehitoglu, H., I. Karaman, X. Zhang, A. Viswanath, Y. Chumlyakov, and H. J. Maier, “Strain temperature Behavior of NiTiCu Shape Memory Single Crystals,” Acta Materialia, 49, 3621 3634, 2001(pdf) .
- (92)w* Karaman, I., H. Sehitoglu, Y. I. Chumlyakov, H. J. Maier, and I. V. Kireeva, “Extrinsic Stacking Faults and Twinning in Hadfield Manganese Steel Single Crystals,” Scripta Materialia, 44, 337 343, 2001.
- (91)w* Karaman, I., H. Sehitoglu, Y. I. Chumlyakov, H. J. Maier, and I. V. Kireeva, “The Effect of Twinning and Slip on the Bauschinger Effect on Hadfield Steel Single Crystals,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 32A:3, 695 706, 2001.(pdf)
- (90)w* Sehitoglu, H., I. Karaman, X. Zhang, H. Kim, Y. I. Chumlyakov, H. J. Maier, and I. V. Kireeva, “Deformation of NiTiCu Shape Memory Single Crystals in Compression,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 32A:3, 477 490, 2001.
- (89)w* Sehitoglu, H., I. Karaman, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Chumlyakov, and H. J. Maier, “Deformation of FeNiCoTi Shape Memory Single Crystals,” Scripta Materialia, 44, 779 784, 2001. and Engineering, A314, 67 74, 2001.
- (87)w* Gall, K., H. Sehitoglu, R. Anderson, I. Karaman, Y. Chumlyakov, and I. V. Kireeva, “On the Mechanical Behavior of Single Crystal NiTi Shape Memory Alloys and Related Polycrystalline Phenomenon,” Materials Science and Engineering, A317, 85 92, 2001. (pdf)
- (86)w* Chumlyakov, Y., I. Kireeva, E. Litvinova, E. G. Zakharova, N. V. Luzginova, H. Sehitoglu, and I. Karaman, “Strain Hardening in Single Crystals of Hadfield Steel,” Physics of Metals and Metallography, 90, Suppl. 1, S1 S17, 2000.
- (85)w* Sehitoglu, H., I. Karaman, R. Anderson, X. Zhang, K. Gall, H. J. Maier, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Compressive Response of NiTi Single Crystals,” Acta Materialia, 48, 3311 3326, 2000. (pdf)
- (84)w* Karaman, I., H. Sehitoglu, A. J. Beaudoin, Y. Chumlyakov, H. J. Maier, and C. N. Tomé, “Modeling the Deformation Behavior of Hadfield Steel Single and Polycrystals due to Twinning and Slip,” Acta Materialia, 48, 2031-2047, 2000 (pdf)
- (83)w* Karaman, I., K. Gall, H. Sehitoglu, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Deformation of Single Crystal Hadfield Steel by Twinning and Slip,” Acta Materialia, 48, 1345-1359, 2000.
- (82)* Andrews, S. and H. Sehitoglu, “A Computer Model for Fatigue Crack Growth from Rough Surfaces,” International Journal of Fatigue, 22:7, 619 630, 2000. 319-T7B with Small Secondary Dendrite Arm Spacing,” ASTM STP 1371, 53 68, 2000.
- (80)w* Andrews, S. D., H. Sehitoglu, and I. Karaman, “Constriction Energy in the Presence of a Solute Field,” Journal of Applied Physics, 87:5, 2194-2203, 2000. Response of Aluminum 319 T6 Under Thermomechanical Loading,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 31A:1, 139 152, 2000. Sehitoglu, and I. Karaman, “Twinning in Gadfield Steel Single Crystals,” Doklady Physics, 45:3, 101 104, 2000.
- (77)w* Gall, K., T. J. Lim, D. McDowell, H. Sehitoglu, and Y. I. Chumlyakov, “The Role of Intergranular Constraint on the Stress-Induced Martensitic Transformation in Textured Polycrystalline NiTi,” International Journal of Plasticity, 16, 1189 1214, 2000. (pdf)
- (76)* Chumlyakov, Y. I., I. V. Kireeva, H. Sehitoglu, E. I. Litvinova, E. G. Zaharova, and N. V. Luzginova, “High Strength Single Crystals of Austenitic Stainless Steels with Nitrogen Content: Mechanisms of Deformation and Fracture,” Materials Science Forum, 318, 395 400, 1999.
- (75)w* Litvinova, E. I., I. V. Kireeva, E. G. Zaharova, N. V. Luzginova, Y. I. Chumlyakov, H. Sehitoglu, and I. Karaman, “Twinning in Hadfield Steel Single Crystals,” Physical Mesomechanics, 2:1-2, 107 112, 1999.
- (74)w* Saif, M. T. A., E. Alaca, and H. Sehitoglu, “Analytical Modeling of Electrostatic Membrane Actuator for Micro Pumps,” Journal of MEMS, 8:3, 1999.
- (73)w* Gall, K., H. Sehitoglu, Y. Chumlyakov, and I. Kireeva, “Tension Compression Asymmetry of the Stress Strain Response of Aged Single Crystal and Polycrystalline NiTi,” Acta Materialia, 47:4, 1203 1217, 1999.
- (72)w* Jiang, Y. and H. Sehitoglu, “A Model for Rolling Contact Failure,” Wear, 224, 38 49, 1999.
- (71)w* Smith, T. J., H. J. Maier, H. Sehitoglu, E. Fleury, and J. A. Allison, “Modeling High Temperature Stress Strain Behavior of Cast Aluminum Alloys,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 30A, 133 146, 1999.
- (70)w* Gall, K., H. Sehitoglu, Y. Chumlyakov, and I. Kireeva, “Pseudoelastic Cyclic Stress Strain Response of Over-aged Single Crystal Ti 50.8%Ni,” Scripta Materialia, 40:1, 7 12, 1999.
- (69)w* Gall, K., H. Sehitoglu, Y. I. Chumlyakov, I. V. Kireeva, and H. J. Maier, “The Influence of Aging on Critical Transformation Stress Levels and Martensite Start Temperatures in NiTi: Part II-Discussion of Experimental Results,” Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 121:1, 28 37, 1999.
- (68)w* Gall, K., H. Sehitoglu, Y. I. Chumlyakov, I. V. Kireeva, and H. J. Maier, “The Influence on Critical Transformation Stress Levels and Martensite Start Temperatures in NiTi: Part I-Aged Microstructure and Micro-Mechanical Modeling,” Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 121:1, 19 27, 1999.
- (67)w* Gall, K. and H. Sehitoglu, “The Role of Texture in Tension-Compression Asymmetry in Polycrystalline NiTi,” International Journal of Plasticity, 15, 69-92, 1999.
- (66)w* Sehitoglu, H. and A. M. Garcia, “Contact of Nonflat Crack Surfaces During Fatigue,” American Society of Testing Materials, STP 1343, 367 378, 1999.
- (65)* Chumlyakov, Y., H. Sehitoglu, I. V. Kireeva, E. I. Litvirova, E. G. Zakharova, and I. S. Kalashnikov, “Plastic Deformation in Single Crystals of Gadfield Steel,” Doklady Physics, 43:7, 415 418, 1998.
- (64)w* Gall, K., H. Sehitoglu, Y. I. Chumlyakov, Y. L. Zuev, and I. Karaman, “The Role of Coherent Precipitates in Martensiti Transformations in Single Crystal and Polycrystalline Ti %0.8% Ni,” Scripta Materialia, 39:6, 699 705, 1998.
- (63)w* Karaman, I., H. Sehitoglu, K. Gall, and Y. Chumlyakov, “On the Deformation Mechanisms in Single Crystal Hadfield Manganese Steels,” Scripta Materialia, 38:6, 1009 1015, 1998.
- (62)w* Gall, K., H. Sehitoglu, and H. J. Maier, “Stress Induced Martensitic Phase Transformation in Polycrystalline CuZnAl Shape Memory Alloys in Different Stress States,” Metallurgical Transactions, 29A, 765 773, 1998.
- (61)w* Karaman, I., H. Sehitoglu, H. J. Maier, and M. Balzer, “Stress State Effects on the Stress Induced Martensitic Transformation of Carburized 4320 Steels,” Metallurgical Transactions, 29A, 427 437, Feb. 1998.
- (60)* Mazumder, J., H. Cheng, T. Yamomoto, T. Duffey, H. Sehitoglu, M. H. Jilavi, and W. M. Knver, “Nanocrystalline NbAL3 Powders and NbAL3/AL Multilayers by Laser Ablation Deposition,” Nanostructured Materials, 9, 1 8, 1997.
- (59)w* Sehitoglu, H. and A. M. Garcia, “Contact of Crack Surfaces During Fatigue, Part 2 Simulations,” Metallurgical Transactions, 28A, 2277 2289, 1997 (pdf).
- (58)w* Garcia, A. M. and H. Sehitoglu, “Contact of Crack Surfaces During Fatigue, Part I Formulation of the Model,” Metallurgical Transactions, 28A, 2263-2275, 1997 (pdf)
- (57)w* Gall, K., H. Sehitoglu, and Y. Kadioglu, “A Methodology for Predicting Variability in Microstructurally Short Fatigue Crack Growth Rates,” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials Technology, 119, 171 179, April 1997.
- (56)w* Balzer, M. and H. Sehitoglu, “A New Apparatus for Studying Mechanical Behavior Under Pressure, ” Experimental Mechanics, 37:1, 87 95, March 1997.
- (55)w* Gall, K., H. Sehitoglu, and Y. Kadioglu, “Plastic Zones and Fatigue Crack Closure Under Plane-Strain Double Slip,” Metallurgical Transactions, 27A, 3491 3502, 1996.
- (54)w* Sehitoglu, H., K. Gall, and A. M. Garcia, “Recent Advances in Fatigue Crack Growth Modeling,” International Journal of Fracture, 80:2-3,165 192, 1996 (pdf)
- (53)w* Jacobus, K., H. Sehitoglu, and M. Balzer, “Effect of Stress State on the Stress-Induced Martensitic Transformation in Polycrystalline Ni TI Alloy,” Metallurgical Transactions, 27A, 3066 3073, 1996 (pdf).
- (52)w* Jiang, Y., and H. Sehitoglu, “Rolling Contact Stress Analysis with the Application of a New Plasticity Model,” Wear, 191, 35 44, 1996.
- (51)w* Karayaka, M. and H. Sehitoglu, “Failure Behavior of Unidirectional AS4/3501 6 Carbon Epoxy Laminates,” Journal of Composite Materials, 30, 1150 1176, 1996.
- (50)w*! Gall, K., H. Sehitoglu, and Y. Kadioglu, “FEM Study of Fatigue Crack Closure Under Double Slip,” Acta Metallurgica, 44:10, 3955 3965, 1996.
- (49)w*! Jiang, Y. and H. Sehitoglu, “Modeling of Cyclic Ratchetting Plasticity: Part 2 Comparison of Model Simulations with Experiments,” ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 63, 726 733, 1996.
- (48)w*! Jiang, Y. and H. Sehitoglu, “Modeling of Cyclic Ratchetting Plasticity: Part 1 Development of Constitutive Relations,” ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 63, 720 725, 1996.Engineering Materials and Technology, 117, 94 102, 1996.
- (46)w* Jiang, Y. and H. Sehitoglu, “Comments on MROZ Multiple Surface Type Plasticity Models,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 33:7, 1053-1068, 1996.
- (45)* Jiang, R. and H. Sehitoglu, “Multiaxial Cyclic Ratchetting Under Multiple Step Loading,” International Journal of Plasticity, 10:7, 1994.
- (44)* Jiang, R. and H. Sehitoglu, “Cyclic Ratchetting of 1070 Steel Under Multiaxial Stress States,” International Journal of Plasticity, 10:5, 579 608, 1994.
- (43)* Jiang, R. and H. Sehitoglu, “An Analytical Approach to Elastic Plastic Stress Analysis of Rolling Contact,” ASME Journal of Tribology, 116:3, 1994.
- (42)w* Neu, R. and H. Sehitoglu, “Measurement of Transformation Strain During Fatigue Testing,” ASTM STP, 1231, 577 593, 1994.
- (41)w* Neu, R. and H. Sehitoglu, “Simulation of Cone Bore Growth in Bearings with a Three-Ring Model,” ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 61:3,589 595, 1994.
- (40)w* Karayaka, M. and H. Sehitoglu, “Thermomechanical Deformation Modeling of A12xxx T4/SiC.p Composites,” Acta Metallurgica, 41:1, 175 189, 1993.
- (39)* Hour, K. Y. and H. Sehitoglu, “Damage Development in a Short Fiber Reinforced Composite,” Journal of Composites, 27:8, 782, 1993.
- (38)w* Kadioglu, Y. and H. Sehitoglu, “Modeling of Thermomechanical Fatigue Damage in Coated Alloys,” ASTM STP, 1186,17 34, 1993.
- (37)w* Neu, R. and H. Sehitoglu, “Thermal Induced Transformations of Retained Austenite in the Simulated Case of a Carburized Steel,” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 115, 83 88, 1993.
- (36)w* Neu, R. and H. Sehitoglu, “Low Temperature Creep of a Carburized Steel,” Metallurgical Transactions, 23A, 2619 2624, 1992.
- (35)w* Sehitoglu, H. and M. Karayaka, ”Prediction of Thermomechanical Fatigue Lives in Metal Matrix Composites,” Metallurgical Transactions, 23A, 2209-2038,1992.
- (34)w* McClung, R. C. and H. Sehitoglu, “Closure and Growth of Fatigue Cracks at Notches,” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 113:1, 1 9, 1992.
- (33)w* Karayaka, M. and H. Sehitoglu, “Thermomechanical Cyclic Deformation of Metal Matrix Composites,” ASTM STP, 1157, 101 120, 1992.
- (32)w* Sun, W. and H. Sehitoglu, “Residual Stress Fields During Fatigue Crack Growth,” Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 15:2, 115-128, 1992 (pdf).
- (31)w*! Neu, R. and H. Sehitoglu, “Stress Induced Transformations in a Carburized Steel – Experiments and Modeling,” Acta Metallurgica, 40:9, 2257 2268, 1991.
- (30)w* Sehitoglu, H. and W. Sun, “Mechanisms of Crack Closure in Plane Strain and in Plane Stress,” Fatigue under Biaxial and Multiaxial Loading, ESIS 10, 1 21, 1991.
- (29)w* Sehitoglu, H. and W. Sun, “Modeling of Plane Strain Fatigue Crack Closure,” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 113, 31 41, 1991.
- (28)w* Karayaka, M. and H. Sehitoglu, “Thermomechanical Fatigue of Particulate-Reinforced Aluminum 2xxx-T4,” Metallurgical Transactions, 22A, 697 708, 1991.
- (27)w* McClung, R. C. and H. Sehitoglu, “Characterization of Fatigue Crack Growth in Intermediate and Large Scale Yielding,” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 113, 15 23, 1991.
- (26)* Sehitoglu, H., “Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Life Prediction Methods,” ASTM STP 1122, 47 77, 1990.
- (25)w* Neu, R. and H. Sehitoglu, “Transformation of Retained Austenite in Carburized 4320 Steel,” Metallurgical Transactions, 22A, 1491 1500, 1990.
- (24)w* Neu, R. and H. Sehitoglu, “Determination of Cone Bore Growth Due to Microstructural Changes,” ASME Journal of Tribology, 112, 433 441, 1990.
- (23)w* Boismier, D. A. and H. Sehitoglu, “Thermo-mechanical Fatigue of Mar M247 Part 2 Life Prediction,” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 112, 80 90, 1990.
- (22)* Sehitoglu, H. and D. A. Boismier, “Thermo-mechanical Fatigue of Mar M247: Part 1 Experiments,” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 112, 68 80, 1990.
- (21)w* Neu, R. and H. Sehitoglu, “Thermomechanical Fatigue Oxidation and Creep: Part II. Life Prediction,” Metallurgical Transactions, 20A, 1769 1783, 1989.
- (20)w*! Neu, R. and H. Sehitoglu, “Thermomechanical Fatigue, Oxidation, and Creep: Part I. Damage Mechanisms,” Metallurgical Transactions, 20A, 1755 1767, 1989.
- (19)*! Sehitoglu, H., “Changes in State Variables at Elevated Temperatures,” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 111, 192 203, 1989.
- (18)w* McClung, R. C, and H. Sehitoglu, “On the Finite Element Analysis of Fatigue Crack Closure-Part II: Numerical Results,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 33:2, 253-272, 1989.
- (17)w*! McClung, R. C. and H. Sehitoglu, “On the Finite Element Analysis of Crack Closure, Part I: Basic Modeling Issues,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 33:2, 237 252, 1989.
- (16)w* Sehitoglu, H. and W. Sun, “The Significance of Crack Closure under High Temperature Fatigue Crack Growth with Hold Periods,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 33:3, 371 388, 1989.
- (15)* Sehitoglu, H., D. F. Socie, and D. W. Worthem, “Small Crack Growth Behavior during Biaxial Fatigue,” American Society for Testing and Materials, Critical Experiments and Fundamental Questions in Fatigue, ASTM STP 924, 120 136, 1988.
- (14)w* Karasek, M., H. Sehitoglu, and D. Slavik, “Deformation and Fatigue Damage in 1070 Steel under Thermal Loading,” American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM STP 942, 184 205, 1988.
- (13)w* Lalor, P. and H. Sehitoglu, “Fatigue Crack Closure Outside a Small-Scale Yielding Regime,” American Society for Testing and Materials, STP 982, 342 360, 1988.
- (12)w* McClung, R. C. and H. Sehitoglu, “Closure Behavior of Short Cracks under High Strain Fatigue Histories,” American Society for Testing and Materials, STP 982, 279 299, 1988.
- (11)* Sehitoglu, H., “Crack Growth Studies under Selected Temperature Strain Histories,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 26:4, 475 489, 1987.
- (10)w* Lalor, P., H. Sehitoglu, and R. C. McClung, “Mechanics Aspects of Small Crack Growth The Role of Crack Closure,” The Behavior of Short Fatigue Cracks, EGF 1, 369 387, 1986.
- (9)w* Slavik, D. and H. Sehitoglu, “Constitutive Models Suitable for Thermal Loading,” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 108:4, 303-312, 1986.
- (8)* Sehitoglu, H. and M. Karasek, “Observations of Material Behavior under Isothermal and Thermo-mechanical Loading,” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 108:2, 192 198, 1986.
- (7)* Sehitoglu, H., “Material Behavior under Thermal Loading,” ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel and Piping Technology, 108:1, 113 119, 1986.
- (6)* Fec, M. C. and H. Sehitoglu, “Thermal-Mechanical Damage in Railroad Wheels Due to Hot Spotting,” Journal of Wear, 102, 31 42, 1985.
- (5)* Sehitoglu, H., “Constraint Effect in Thermo-mechanical Fatigue,” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 107, 221 226, 1985.
- (4)* Sehitoglu, H., “Crack Opening and Closure in Fatigue,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 21:2, 329 339, 1985.
- (3)* Sehitoglu, H., “Characterization of Crack Closure,” American Society for Testing and Materials, STP 868, 361 380, 1985.
- (2)* Sehitoglu, H., “Fatigue Life Prediction of Notched Members Based on Local Strain and Elastic Plastic Fracture Mechanics Concepts,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 18:3, 609 621, 1983.
- (1)* Sehitoglu, H. and D. L. McDiarmid, “The Effect of Load Stepdown on Fatigue Crack Arrest and Retardation,” International Journal of Fatigue, 55 60, 1980.
Chapters in Books
- (3) Sehitoglu, H., “The Effect of Particle Size on Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue of AlSiC Metal Matrix Composites,” Fatigue under Thermal and Mechanical Loading: Mechanisms, Mechanics and Modeling, J. Bressers, L. Rémy, M. Steen, and J. L. Vallés, eds., Kluwer, 371-380, 1996.
- (2) Sehitoglu, H., “Thermo-mechanical Deformation of Engineering Alloys and Components-Experiments and Modeling,” NATO ASI – Mechanical Behavior of Materials at High Temperature, C. Moura Branco, R. Ritchie, and V. Sklenicka, eds., Kluwer, 349-379, 1996.
- (1) Sehitoglu, H., Thermal and Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue of Structural Alloys, Handbook on Fatigue and Fracture, ASM, 19, 527-554, 1996.
(300) Ahmed Sameer Khan Mohammed, R. Sidharth,Wael Abuzaid,Hiroshi Akamine,Minoru Nishida & Huseyin Sehitoglu Orientation Relationships in FeMnNiAl Governed by Martensitic Substructure, Shape Memory and Superelasticity (2023) (pdf)
- (298)G. Gengor, ASK.Mohammed, H. Sehitoglu, The complexity of {1121} twin interface structure and energetics in HCP materials, Acta Materialia, 2023 (pdf)
- (297) H Sehitoglu, G Anlas, ASK Mohammed, Shape Memory Alloys–Frontier Developments, Elsevier, Comprehensive Structural Integrity (Second Edition), 2, 610-679, 2023(pdf), also accessible from
- (296) Effect of Dislocation Character on the CRSS, OK Celebi, ASK Mohammed, H Sehitoglu, Acta Materialia, 118982, 2023(pdf)
- (295) Resolving intragranular stress fields in plastically deformed titanium using point-focused high-energy diffraction microscopy, W Li, H Sharma, K Peter, S Ravi, H Sehitoglu, A Bucsek, Journal of Materials Research, 1-14, 2023
- (294)CRSS determination combining ab-initio Framework and Surrogate Neural Networks, D You, OK Celebi, ASK Mohammed, DW Abueidda, S Koric, H Sehitoglu, International Journal of Plasticity, 103524,2023 (pdf)
- (293) Deformation-induced microstructural evolution of fiber-matrix interface in pyrolytic carbon-carbon composites, ASK Mohammed, R Rateick, H Sehitoglu, Acta Materialia 242, 118498, 2023(pdf)
- (292) R. Sidharth, A. S. K. Mohammed, H. Sehitoglu, Functional Fatigue of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy: Effect of Loading Frequency and Source of Residual Strains, Shape Memory and Superelasticity, 2022
- (291)Ahmed Sameer Khan Mohammed, Orcun Koray Celebi, Huseyin Sehitoglu, Acta Materialia, Critical stress prediction upon accurate dislocation core description, 233 (2022) 117989,(pdf)
- (290) John W. Sanders , Niloofar Jamshidi,Negar Jamshidi, Mohsen Dadfarnia , Sankara Subramanian, Huseyin Sehitoglu, James Stubbins, Petros Sofronis,Effects of diffusion and primary creep on intergranular cavitation at high temperatures, Int J Fract, 2022(pdf)
- (289)Orcun Koray Celebi, Ahmed Sameer Khan Mohammed, Jessica A. Krogstad, Huseyin Sehitoglu, Evolving dislocation cores at Twin Boundaries: Theory of CRSS Elevation, International Journal of Plasticity, 2021,(pdf)
- (288) {1012} Twin interface structure and energetics in HCP materials, Gorkem Gengor, Ahmed Sameer Khan Mohammed1, Huseyin Sehitoglu, Acta Materialia 219 (2021) 117256, (pdf)
- (287)R. Bichara, H. Sehitoglu, J. Lambros, Representative Volume Elements for Plasticity and Creep Measured from High-Resolution Microscale Strain Fields , Acta Materialia, 2021 (pdf)
- (286)S. Ravi, ASKMohammed, W. Abuzaid, H. Sehitoglu, Unraveling Frequency Effects in Shape Memory Alloys: NiTi and FeMnAlNi,Shape Memory Superelasticity, 2021(pdf)
- (285) ASKMohammed, H. Sehitoglu, Strain-sensitive Topological Evolution of Twin Interfaces, Acta Materialia,208 116716, 2021, (pdf )
- (284) Abueidda, Diab W; Koric, Seid; Sobh, Nahil A; Sehitoglu, Huseyin; International Journal of Plasticity 136 102852 2021(pdf)
- (283) Sanders, John W; Dadfarnia, Mohsen; Sehitoglu, Huseyin; Stubbins, James; Sofronis, Petros; On the stress field ahead of a stationary crack tip during the transition from primary to secondary creep, International Journal of Solids and Structures 2020(pdf)
- (282)Yaacoub, J; Abuzaid, W; Brenne, F; Sehitoglu, H; Superelasticity of (TiZrHf) 50Ni25Co10Cu15 high entropy shape memory alloy Scripta Materialia 186 43-47 2020(pdf)
- (281)Sidharth, R; Wu, Y; Brenne, F; Abuzaid, W; Sehitoglu, H; Relationship Between Functional Fatigue and Structural Fatigue of Iron-Based Shape Memory Alloy FeMnNiAl Shape Memory and Superelasticity, 2020(pdf)
- (280)Sidharth, R; Abuzaid, W; Vollmer, M; Niendorf, T; Sehitoglu, H; Fatigue Crack Initiation in the Iron-Based Shape Memory Alloy FeMnAlNiTi, Shape Memory and Superelasticity 6 3 323-331 2020 (pdf)
- (279)Brenne, F; Mohammed, ASK; Sehitoglu, H; High resolution atomic scale characterization of dislocations in high entropy alloys: critical assessment of template matching and geometric phase analysis Ultramicroscopy 113134 202 (pdf)
- (278)Sidharth, R; Abuzaid, W; Sehitoglu, H; Nano-twinning enhanced room temperature fatigue crack growth in single crystalline CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy Intermetallics 126 106919 2020(pdf)
- (277)S.K.Mohammed, H.Sehitoglu, Martensitic twin boundary migration as a source of irreversible slip in shape memory alloys, Acta Materialia 186 (2020) 50-67 (pdf)
- (276)S.K.Mohammed, H.Sehitoglu, Modeling the interface structure of Type II twin boundary in B19′ NiTi from an atomistic and topological standpoint, Acta Materialia,183 (2020) 93–109 (pdf)
- (275)W. Abuzaid, Y. Wu, R. Sidharth, F. Brenne, S. Alkan, M. Vollmer, T. Niendorf, H. Sehitoglu Iron Based Shape Memory Alloys – Promises and Challenges, Accepted to Shape Memory and Superelasticity, April 2019(pdf)
- (274)E. Sgambitterra, C. Malettaa, P. Magar. Renzo, F. Furgiuele, , H. Sehitoglu, Effects of temperature on fatigue crack propagation in pseudoelastic NiTi shape memory alloys, Accepted to Shape Memory and Superelasticity, April 2019(pdf)
- (273) S.Alkan, H. Sehitoglu, Prediction of Transformation Stresses in NiTi Shape Memory Alloy, Acta Materialia, June 2019, (pdf)
- (272) Y. Wu, J. Yaacoub, F. Brenne, W. Abuzaid, D. Canadinc, H. Sehitoglu,Deshielding Effects on Fatigue Crack Growth in Shape Memory Alloys, Acta Materialia, June 2019, (pdf)
- (271) Yaacoub , Y. Wu , W. Abuzaid , D. Canadinc , H. Sehitoglu Martensite Variant Localization Effects on Fatigue Crack Growth – The CuZnAl Example, , Scripta Mat., June 2019 (pdf)
- (270) Wael Abuzaid , Huseyin Sehitoglu , Shape memory effect in FeMnNiAl iron-based shape memory alloy, Scripta Materialia 169 (2019) 57–60, (pdf)
- (269) S.K. Mohammed, H.Sehitoglu , R.Rateick, Interface graphitization of carbon-carbon composites by nanoindentation, Carbon, 2019 (pdf)
- (268) S. Alkan, H. Sehitoglu, Plastic Flow Resistance of NiTiCu Shape Memory Alloy-Theory and Experiments, Acta Materialia, 163 (2019) ,(pdf)
- (267) W. Abuzaid, H. Sehitoglu, Superelasticity and functional fatigue of single crystalline FeNiCoAlTi Iron-based shape memory alloy, Materials and Design, 2018, (pdf)
- (266)M. Bönisch, Y. Wu & H. Sehitoglu,Twinning-induced strain hardening in dual-phase FeCoCrNiAl0.5 at room and cryogenic temperature, Nature Scientific Reports, (2018) 8:10663, DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-28784-1(pdf)
- (265) M. Bonisch, Y.Wu, H. Sehitoglu, Hardening by Slip-Twin and Twin-twin Interactions in FeMnNiCoCr, Acta Materialia, 2018 (pdf)
- (264)E. Sgambittera, C. Maletta, F. Furgiuele, H. Sehitoglu, Fatigue crack propagation in [012] NiTi single crystal alloy, I. J. Fatigue, 2018, (pdf)
- (263)H. Sehitoglu, S. Alkan, Recent Progress on Modeling Slip Deformation in Shape Memory Alloys, Shape Memory and Superelasticity, 2018(pdf)
- (262) S. Alkan, A. Ojha, H. Sehitoglu, The Complexity of Non-Schmid Behavior in the CuZnAl Shape Memory Alloy, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 114, 238-257, 2018(262)
- (261)Y.Wu, M. Bonisch, S.Alkan, W.Abuzaid, H. Sehitoglu, Experimental Determination of Latent Hardening Coefficients in FeMnNiCoCr, I. J. Plasticity,105 239–260, 2018 (pdf)
- (260)S. Alkan, Y. Wu, A. Ojha, H. Sehitoglu, Transformation Stress of Shape Memory Alloy CuZnAl: Non-Schmid Behavior, Acta Materialia, 2018, (pdf)
- (259)W. Abuzaid, H. Sehitoglu, Plastic Strain Partitioning in Dual phase Al13CoCrFeNi High Entropy Alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2018(pdf)
- (258)S. Alkan, A. Ojha, H. Sehitoglu, Determination of latent hardening response for FeNiCoCrMn for twin-twin interactions, Acta Materialia, 2018 (pdf)
- (257)P. Chowdhury, H. Sehitoglu, Atomistic Fault Energetics and Critical Stress Prediction for fcc and bcc Twinning: Recent Progress, ASME , J. Engineering Materials and Technology, 2018, (pdf)
- (256) Piyas Chowdhury, Huseyin Sehitoglu, Richard Rateick , Damage tolerance of carbon-carbon composites in aerospace application, Carbon, 2018 (pdf)
- (255) Piyas Chowdhury, Demircan Canadinc, Huseyin Sehitoglu, On deformation behavior of Fe-Mn based structural alloys, Materials Science and Engineering R 122 (2017) 1–28(pdf)
- (254) S. Alkan, H. Sehitoglu, Nonuniqueness of the fatigue threshold, I. J. Fatigue, 104 (2017) 309–321(pdf)
- (253)Y. Wu, E. Ertekin, H. Sehitoglu, Elastocaloric cooling capacity of shape memory alloys – Role of deformation temperatures, mechanical cycling, stress hysteresis and inhomogeneity of transformation, Acta Materialia (2017), doi: 10.1016/j.actamat.2017.06.012.(pdf)
- (252)S. Alkan, H. Sehitoglu, Dislocation core effects on slip response of NiTi- a key to understanding shape memory, International J. Plasticity, (2017)(pdf)
- (251) H. Sehitoglu , Y. Wu, E. Ertekin, Elastocaloric effects in the extreme, Scripta Materialia (2017)(pdf)
- (250)H. Sehitoglu, Y. Wu, L. Patriarca, G. Li, A. Ojha, S. Zhang, Y. Chumlyakov, M. Nishida,
Superelasticity and Shape Memory Behavior of NiTiHf Alloys, Shape Memory And Superelasticity, 2017(pdf) - (249) S. Alkan, H Sehitoglu, Giant Non-Schmid Effect in NiTi, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2017 (pdf)
- (248) W.Abuzaid, H Sehitoglu, Critical Resolved Shear Stress for Slip and Twin Nucleation in Single Crystalline FeNiCoCrMn High Entropy Alloy, Materials Characterization, 2017(pdf)
- (247) W.Abuzaid, H Sehitoglu, ‘Functional fatigue of Ni 50.3 Ti 25 Hf 24.7–Heterogeneities and evolution of local transformation strains‘,, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2017(pdf)
- (246) H. Sehitoglu, Y. Wu, S. Alkan, E. Ertekin, ‘Plastic Deformation of B2-NiTi- Is it Slip or Twinning?’ Philosophical Magazine & Philosophical Magazine Letters,, 2017(pdf)
- (245) P. Chowdhury, H. Sehitoglu, Deformation physics of shape memory alloys – Fundamentals at atomistic frontier, Progress in Materials Science, 88, 2017, 49–88 (pdf)
- (244) P.G. Luccarelli, , G.J. Pataky, H. Sehitoglu, S. Foletti, Finite element simulation of single crystal and polycrystalline Haynes 230 specimens, International Journal of Solids and Structures, in press, 2017(pdf)
- (243) S. Alkan, H. Sehitoglu, Non-Schmid response of Fe3Al: The twin-antitwin slip asymmetry and non-glide shear stress effects, Acta Materialia,2017, (pdf)
- (242) P. Chowdhury, H. Sehitoglu, A revisit to atomistic rationale for slip in shape memory alloys, Progress in Materials Science, 2017,(pdf)
- (241)H. Sehitoglu, Y. Wu, L. Patriarca, Shape memory functionality under multi-cycles in NiTiHf, Scripta Materialia, 129, 2017, 11-15 (pdf)
- (240) A.Ojha, H. Sehitoglu, Transformation Stress Modeling in New Fe-Mn-Al-Ni Shape Memory Alloy, International J. Plasticity,86, 93-111, 2016 (pdf)
- (239) H. Sehitoglu, L. Patriarca, Y.Wu, Shape Memory Strains and Temperatures in the Extreme, Articles in Press, Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science, 2016, (pdf)
- (238) G. Ren, H. Sehitoglu,Interatomic potential for the NiTi alloy and its application, Computational Materials Science,123,19–25, 2016 (pdf)
- (237)E. Yu. Panchenko, Yu. I. Chumlyakov, N. Yu. Surikov, A. I. Tagiltsev, N. G. Vetoshkina, K. S. Osipovich, H. Maier, and H. Sehitoglu, Orientation Dependence of Functional Properties in Heterophase Single Crystals of the Ti36.5Ni51.0Hf12.5 and Ti48.5Ni51.5 Alloys, Russian Physics Journal, 58, 11,1534-1543, 2016(pdf)
- (236) A.Ojha, H. Sehitoglu, Critical Stresses for Twinning, Slip, and Transformation in Ti-Based Shape Memory Alloys, Shape Memory and Superelasticity, published online,2016 (pdf)
- (235) Y.Wu, L.Patriarcha, H.Sehitoglu, Y.Chumlyakov, Ultrahigh Tensile Transformation Strains in New Ni50.5Ti36.2Hf13.3 Shape Memory Alloy, Scripta Materialia, 2016 (pdf)
- (234)P.Chowdhury, H. Sehitoglu, Significance of slip propensity determination in shape memory alloys, Viewpoint article, Scripta Materialia, 2016(pdf)
- (233) S. Rabbolini, P. Luccarelli, S.Foletti, S. Beretta, H. Sehitoglu, Near-tip closure and cyclic plasticity in Ni-based single crystals, International Journal of Fatigue, 2016(pdf)
- (232) P.Chowdhury, H. Sehitoglu, R. Rateick, Recent advances in modeling fatigue cracks at microscale in the presence of high density coherent twin interfaces, Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science, 2016 (pdf)
- (231) W. Abuzaid, H. Sehitoglu, J. Lambros, Localization of Plastic Strain at the Microstructurlal level in Hastelloy X subjected to Monotonic, Fatigue, and Creep loading: The role of grain boundaries and slip transmission, Materials at High Temperatures, 2016(pdf)
- (230) P.Chowdhury, L. Patriarca, G.Ren, H. Sehitoglu, Modeling NiTi Superelasticity in Presence of Nanoprecipitates, I. J. Plasticity,81,152-167, 2016 (pdf)
- (229)L. Patriarca , H. Sehitoglu , E. Yu. Panchenko , Y.I. Chumlyakov, High-temperature functional behavior of single crystalNi Ti Hf shape memory alloy, Acta Materialia, 2016(pdf)
- (228) L.Patriarca, Y.Wu, H. Sehitoglu, High Temperature Shape Memory Behavior of NiTiHf Single Crystals, Scripta Materialia, 2016 (pdf)
- (227)P.Chowdhury, H. Sehitoglu, Mechanisms of fatigue crack growth – A critical digest of theoretical developments, Fatigue and Fracture of Eng. Mats.Structures, 2016 (pdf)
- (226) Ojha, A., H. Sehitoglu, Slip Resistance of Ti Based High Temperature Shape Memory Alloys, Shape Memory and Superelasticity,1,5, 2016(pdf)
- (225) P. Chowdhury, G. Ren, H. Sehitoglu, Bridging the Gap in Modeling NiTi Superelasticity, Phil. Mag Letters, 2016(pdf)
- (224) S. Alkan, P.Chowdhury, H. Sehitoglu, R.Rateick, H.J.Maier, Role of Nanotwins on Fatigue Crack Growth Resistance -Experiments and Theory, I. J. Fatigue, 2016(pdf)
- (223) Patriarca, L., A. Ojha, H. Sehitoglu, Y.I. Chumlyakov, Slip nucleation in single crystal FeNiCoCrMn high entropy alloy, Scripta Materialia, 112,54-57, 2016(pdf)
- (222) Wu, Y., L.Patriarca, G.Li, H. Sehitoglu, Y. Soejima, T. Ito, M. Nishida , Shape Memory Response of Polycrystalline NiTi-12.5Hf Alloy- Transformation at Small Scales, Shape Memory and Superelasticity, 1,3,2015 (pdf)
- (221) Panchenkoa,E.Y., Yu. I. Chumlyakov, N. Yu. Surikova, H. J. Maier, G. Gerstein, and H. Sehitoglu, Superelasticity in HighStrength Heterophase Single Crystals of Ni51.0Ti36.5Hf12.5 Alloy, Technical Physics Letters, 41, 8, 797–800, 2015 (pdf)
- (220) Ojha, A., H. Sehitoglu, Critical Stress for the bcc-hcp martensite nucleation in Ti-6.25at.%Ta and Ti-6.25at.%Nb alloys, Comp. Mats. Science, 2015, Editors Choice, 111, 157–162, 2016 (pdf)
- (219) Chowdhury, P., H.Sehitoglu, H.J.Maier, R. Rateick, Strength Prediction in NiCo Alloys – The Role of Composition and Nanotwins, to appear in I. J. Plasticity, 2015 (pdf)
- (218) Ojha, A., S.Alkan, L.Patriarca, H. Sehitoglu, Y.Chumlyakov, Shape memory behavior in Fe3Al- Modeling and Experiments, Philosophical Magazine,, 2015 (pdf)
- (217) Garrett J. Pataky, Elif Ertekin, Huseyin Sehitoglu, Elastocaloric cooling potential of NiTi, Ni2FeGa, and CoNiAl, Acta Materialia, 96, 420–427, 2015 (pdf)
- (216) A. Ojha, L. Patriarca, H. Sehitoglu, Pseudoelasticity in Fe3Ga with Boron-A Combined Atomistic-Micromechanical Treatment” I. J. Plasticity, 72 , 185-199, 2015 (pdf)
- (215) Chowdhury, P., H. Sehitoglu, and H.J.Maier, “Mechanical Response of Low Stacking Fault Energy Co-Ni Alloys – Continuum, Mesoscopic and Atomic Level Treatments,” I. J. Plasticity, 71,32-61, 2015(pdf).
- (214) Wu, Y., A. Ojha, L. Patriarca, and H. Sehitoglu, “Fatigue Crack Growth Fundamentals in Shape Memory Alloys,” Shape Memory and Superelasticity Journal, Inaugural Issue, April 2015 (pdf).
- (213) Patriarca, L., and H. Sehitoglu, “High-temperature superelasticity of Ni50.6Ti24.4Hf25.0 shape memory alloy,” Scripta Materialia, 101, 12-15 2015(pdf)(pdf)
- (212) Rabbolini, S, G.J. Pataky, H. Sehitoglu, and S.,Beretta, Fatigue crack growth in Haynes 230 single crystals: An analysis with digital image correlation, to appear in Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 2015 (pdf).
- (211) Swaminathan, B. ,W. Abuzaid, H. Sehitoglu,J.Lambros , Investigation using digital image correlation of Portevin-Le Chatelier in Hastelloy X under thermo-mechanical loading, I. Journal of Plasticity, v 64, p 177-192, , 2014 (pdf)
- (210) Ojha, A., H. Sehitoglu, L. Patriarcha, and H.J. Maier, “Twin Nucleation in Fe-based BCC Alloys-Modeling and Experiments,” Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2014_(pdf)_
- (209) Ojha. A.,H.Sehitoglu, Twinning Stress Prediction in bcc Metals and Alloys, Philosophical Magazine Letters,v 94, n 10, p 647-657, 2014. (pdf)
- (208) Pataky, G. and H. Sehitoglu, “Experimental methodology for studying strain heterogeneity with microstructural data from high temperature deformation,” to appear in Experimental Mechanics, 2014 (pdf)
- (207) Chowdhury,P., H. Sehitoglu, R. Rateick, Fatigue Threshold Determination in the Presence of Microstructural Barriers- Part 2, to appear in International Journal of Fatigue, 2014) (pdf)
- (206) Chowdhury, P., H. Sehitoglu, R. Rateick, Fatigue Threshold Determination in the Presence of Microstructural Barriers- Part 1, to appear in International Journal of Fatigue, 2014 (pdf)
- (205) J. Wang, H. Sehitoglu, Martensite Modulus Dilemma in Monoclinic NiTi-Theory and Experiments, to appear in I. J. Plasticity, 2014 (pdf)
- (204) J. Wang, H. Sehitoglu, Modeling of Pseudotwinning in Fe3Ga, Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 22, 055008, 2014(pdf)
- (203) J.Wang, H. Sehitoglu, Modeling of Martensite Slip and Twinning in NiTiHf Alloys, Philosophical Magazine, 2014 (pdf)
- (202) J.Wang, H. Sehitoglu, Dislocation Slip and Twinning in Ni-based L12 type Alloys, Intermetallics, 52, 20-31, 2014 (pdf)
- (201)A. Ojha, H. Sehitoglu, L. Patriarca, H.J. Maier, Twin Migration in Fe-based BCC Crystals-Theory and Experiments, Philosophical Magazine, 94, 16, 1816–1840, 2014 (pdf)
- (200)J. Wang, H. Sehitoglu, Modeling of Pseudoelasticity via Reversible Slip in Fe3Ga” , Computational Materials Science, 87,34-42, 2014 (pdf)
- (199) Chen, Q., Andrawes, B. Sehitoglu, H., Thermomechanical Testing of FeNiCoTi Shape Memory Alloy for Active Confinement in Concrete, Smart Materials and Structures, 2014
- (198) Caspersen, M., J. Carroll, J.Lambros, H. Sehitoglu, R. Dodds, In vestigation of thermal effects on fatigue crack closure using muti-scale digital image correlation, I. J. Fatigue, 61, 2014, 10-20 (pdf)
- (197) Wang, J., H. Sehitoglu, H.J.Maier, Dislocation Slip Stress Prediction in Shape MEmory Alloys, to appear in I. J. Plasticity, 2013 (pdf)
- (196) Patriarcha, L., W. Abuzaid, H. Sehitoglu, H.J. Maier, “Slip Transmission in bcc FeCr Polycrystal,” Materials Science and Engineering, A 588, 308-317, 2013 (pdf)
- (195) Wang, J., H. Sehitoglu, “Twinning Stress in Shape Memory Alloys-Theory and Experiments,” 61, Acta Materialia,6790-6801, 2013 (pdf)
- (194)Pataky, G., H. Sehitoglu, H.J. Maier, Creep deformation and mechanisms in Haynes 230 at 800 °C and 900 °C, J. Nuclear Materials, 2013 (pdf)
- (193) Carroll, Jay D. ; Abuzaid, Wael Z.; Lambros, John; Sehitoglu, Huseyin, On the interactions between strain accumulation, microstructure, and fatigue crack behavior, International Journal of Fracture, 180, 2, 223-241, April 2013 (pdf)
- (192) Bharath Swaminathan, John Lambros, Huseyin Sehitoglu, Digital Image Correlation Study of Mechanical Responseof Nickel Superalloy Hastelloy X Under Thermal and Mechnical Cycling: Uniaxial and Biaxial Stress States, The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 2013(pdf)
- (191) D.W. Gross, K. Nygren, G.J. Pataky, J. Kacher, H. Sehitoglu, I.M. Robertson, The evolved microstructure ahead of an arrested fatigue crack in Haynes 230, Acta Materialia, 61, 15, 5768–5778, 2013 (pdf)
- (190) P.Chowdhury, H. Sehitoglu, H.J.Maier, R. Rateick, Modeling Fatigue Crack Growth Resistance of Nanocrystalline Alloys, Acta Materialia, v 61, n 7, p 2531-2547, 2013 (pdf)
- (189) W. Abuzaid, A.Oral, H. Sehitoglu, J. Lambros, H.J.Maier, Fatigue Crack Initiation in Hastelloy X – The Role of Boundaries, Fatigue and Frature of Engineering Materials and Structures, 2013 (pdf)
- (188) L. Patriarca, W. Abuzaid , H.Sehitoglu,H. J. Maier, Y. Chumlyakov, “Twin nucleation and migration in FeCr single crystals”, Materials Characterization, 75, 165-175, 2013 (pdf)
- (187) T. Ezaz, J. Wang, H. Sehitoglu, H.J. Maier, Plastic deformation of NiTi shape memory alloys, Acta Materialia, 2012 (pdf)
- (186) G.Pataky, H. Sehitoglu, H.J. Maier, Very High Temperatuer Fatigue Crack Growth in Haynes 230″, Materials Characterization, 2012 (pdf)
- (185) W. Abuzaid, H. Sehitoglu, J. Lambros, , Plastic Strain Localization and Fatigue Micro-crack Formation in Hastelloy X, Materials Science and Engineering, 561, 507-519, 2013 (pdf)
- (184) Wang, J., H. Sehitoglu, Resolving Quandaries Surrounding NiTi, Applied Physiscs Letters, v 101, n 8, 2012 (pdf)
- (183) Ezaz, T.., H.Sehitoglu, W. Abuzaid, H.J.Maier, Higher Order Twin Modes in Martensitic NiTi- The (201) Case, Materials Science and Engineering A, v 558, p 422-430, 2012 (pdf)
- (182) Carroll, J.D., W. Abuzaid, J. Lambros, and H. Sehitoglu, “High Resolution Digital Image Correlation Measurements of Strain Accumulation in Fatigue Crack Growth,” to appear in International Journal of Fatigue, 2012 (pdf)
- (181) Sehitoglu, H., J. Wang, and H. J. Maier, “Transformation and Slip Behavior of Ni2FeGa,” to appear in International J. Plasticity, 2012 (pdf)
- (180) Pataky, G., H. Sehitoglu, R. Hamilton, M. Sangid, H.J.Maier and P. Sofronis, “Mixed Mode Fatigue Crack Growth in 316 Stainless Steel,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2012 (pdf)
- (179) Canadinc, D., H. Sehitoglu, and Y. Jiang, “Investigation of Fatigue Crack Initiation due to Rolling Contact,” to appear in Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2012.
- (178) Sangid,M., Ezaz,T., Sehitoglu, H., Energetics of residual dislocations associated with slip-twin and slip-GBs interactions, Materials Science And Engineering A, 2012 (pdf)
- (177) Abuzaid,W., Sangid,M., Carroll,J., Sehitoglu, H., Lambros,J., Slip Transfer and Plastic Strain Accumulation across Grain Boundaries in Hastelloy X, to appear in Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2012 (pdf)
- (176) Sangid, M., G.J. Pataky, H. Sehitoglu, R.F. Hamilton, H. J. Maier, High resolution analysis of opening and sliding in fatigue crack growth, to appear in I. J. Fatigue, 2011 (pdf)
- (175) Ezaz, T., H. Sehitoglu, H.J. Maier, Energetics of (114) Twinning in B2 NiTi under Coupled Shear and Shuffle, Acta Materialia, 60, 1, 339-348, 2012 (pdf)
- (174) Sangid, M., G. J. Pataky, H. Sehitoglu, R. G. Rateick, T. Niendorf, and H. J. Maier, “Superior Fatigue Crack Growth Resistance, Irreversibility, and Fatigue Crack Growth ìMicrostructure Relationship of Nanocrystalline Alloys Acta Materialia,” 59:19, 7340-7355, 2011 (pdf)
- (173) Ezaz,T., H. Sehitoglu, H.J.Maier, Energetics of Twinning in Martensitic NiTi,Acta Materialia, Vol.59, Issue 15, Pages 5893-5904, 2011. (pdf)
- (172) Ezaz,T., H. Sehitoglu, Coupled Shear and Shuffle Modes During Twin Growth in B2-NiTi,Applied Physics Letters,98, 241906 , 2011. (pdf)
- (171) Ezaz,T., H. Sehitoglu, Type II Detwinning in NiTi, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.98,Issue.14, 2011. (pdf) (suppl)
- (170)Hamilton, R.F., S.Dilibal, H. Sehitoglu, H.J.Maier, Underlying Mechanism of Dual Hysteresisin NiMnGa single crystals, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 528, 3, 1877-1881, 2011 (pdf)
- (169) Ezaz,T., M. Sangid, H. Sehitoglu, Energy Barriers Associated with Slip-Twin Interactions, Philosophical Magazine A,Vol.91,No.10,1464-1488 ,2011 (pdf) (mov1) (mov2) (mov3) (mov4) (mov5)
- (168) Sangid, M., H. Sehitoglu, H.J. Maier, An energy-based microstructure model to account for fatigue scatter in polycrystals”,J. Mechanics and Physics of Solids,59, 3,595-609, 2011 (pdf)
- (167) Dilibal, S., H. Sehitoglu, R. Hamilton, H.J.Maier, Y. Chumlyakov,”On the Volume Change in Co-Ni-Al during Pseudoelasticity”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 528,6, 2875-2881, 2011(pdf)
- (166) Sangid, M. D., H. J. Maier, and H. Sehitoglu, “Physically-based Fatigue Model for Prediction of Crack Initiation from Persistent Slip Bands in Polycrystals,” Acta Materialia, 59,1,328-341, 2011. (pdf)
- (165) Sangid, M. D., T. Ezaz, H. Sehitoglu, and I. M. Robertson, “Energy of Slip Transmission and Nucleation at Grain Boundaries,” Acta Materialia,59,1, 283-296, 2011 (pdf)
- (164) Sangid, M., H.J.Maier, and H. Sehitoglu, “The Role of Grain Boundaries on Fatigue Crack Initiation – An Energy Approach,” I. J. Plasticity, 27, 801-821, 2011 (pdf)
- (163) Carroll,J., W. Abuzaid, J. Lambros, and H. Sehitoglu, “An Experimental Methodology to Relate Local Strain to Microstructural Texture,” Rev. Sci. Instrum. 81, 083703, 2010 (pdf)
- (162) Sangid, M., H. Sehitoglu, H. J. Maier, and T. Niendorf,” Grain Boundary Characterization and Energetics of Superalloys,” Materials Science and Engineering: A, 527, 26, 7115-7125, 2010 (pdf)
- (161) Efstathiou, C. and H. Sehitoglu, “Strain Hardening and Heterogeneous Deformation during Twinning in Hadfield Steel,” Acta Materialia,58,5,1479-1488, 2010 (pdf)
- (160) Kibey, S., L. L. Wang, J. B. Liu, H. T. Johnson, H. Sehitoglu, and D. D. Johnson, “Quantitative Prediction of Twinning Stresses in FCC Alloys: Applications to Cu-AL,” Physical Review, 79, 214202, 2009 (pdf)
- (159) Carroll, J, C. Efstathiou, J. Lambros, and H. Sehitoglu, R. Haber, S. Spottswood, and R. Chona, “Investigation of Fatigue Crack Closure using Mulitscale Image Correlation Experiments,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics,76,2384-2398, 2009 (pdf)
- (158)C. Efstathiou, H. Sehitoglu, J. Lambros, Multiscale strain measurements of plastically deforming polycrystalline titanium: Role of deformation hetererogeneities, International J. Plasticity, 26,1,93-106,2009 (pdf)
- (157) S. Kibey, H. Sehitoglu, D.D. Johnson,Energy landscape for martensitic phase transformation in shape memory NiTi, Acta Materialia,57,5, 1624-1629, 2009 (pdf)
- (156) C. Efstathiou, H. Sehitoglu, Strengthening Hadfield steel welds by nitrogen alloying, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 506,1-2,174-179, 2009 (pdf)
- (155)E.Y.Panchenko, Y.I.Chumlyakov,I.V.Kireeva,A.V. Ovsyannikov, H. Sehitoglu, I.Karaman, H.J.Maier, Effect of Disperse Ti3Ni4 Particles on the Martensitic Transformations in Titanium Nickelide Single Crystals, Physics Metals and Metallography, 106,6,577-589,2008 (pdf)
- (154) C. Efstathiou, H. Sehitoglu, Local Transformation Strain Measurements in Precipitated NiTi Single Crystals, Scripta Materialia, 59, 1263-1266, 2008 (pdf)
- (153) D.Canadinc, C. Efstahiou, H. Sehitoglu, On the Negative Strain Rate Sensitivity of Hadfield Steel, Scripta Materialia,59,10, 1103-1106, 2008 (pdf)
- (152) Y. Chumlyakov, E. Panchenko, I. Kireeva, I. Karaman, H. Sehitoglu, H.J. Maier, A. Tverdokhlebova, A. Ovsyannikov, Orientation dependence and tension/compression asymmetry of shape memory effect and superelasticity in ferromagnetic Co40Ni33Al27, Co49Ni21Ga30 and Ni54Fe19Ga27 single crystals.,481, 95-100, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2008 (pdf)
- (151) C. Efstathiou, H. Sehitoglu, J. Carroll, J. Lambros, H. J. Maier.Full-Field Strain Evolution during Intermartensitic Transformations in Single Crystal NiFeGa. 56,15, 3791-3799, Acta Materialia, 2008 (pdf) (video)
- (150) Inter-martensite Strain Evolution in NiMnGa Single Crystals R. F. Hamilton, H. Sehitoglu, K. Aslantas, C.Efstathiou, H. J. Maier, 56, 10,2231-2236, Acta Materialia, 2008. (pdf)
- (149) D. Canadinc, H. Sehitoglu, and K. Verzal,Analysis of Surface Crack Growth under Rolling Contact Fatigue, I. J. Fatigue, 30,1678-1689,2008. (pdf)
- (148) D. Canadinc, H. Sehitoglu , H.J. Maier and P. Kurath , On the Incorporation of Length Scales Associated with Pearlitic and Bainitic Microstructures into a Visco-Plastic Self-Consistent Model . Materials Science and Engineering: A,485,1-2,258-271,2008 (pdf)
- (147) Kibey, S. J. B. Liu , D. D. Johnson, and H. Sehitoglu, “Energy Pathways and Directionality in Deformation Twinning, 91,18, 181916, Applied Physics Letters, 2007. (pdf)
- (146) S.Kibey. J.B.Liu, D.D. Johnson, H. Sehitoglu , Predicting twinning stress in fcc metals: linking twin-energy pathways to twin nucleation, 55,20,6843-6851, Acta Materialia , 2007. (pdf)
- (145) Christos Efstathiou, Huseyin Sehitoglu , Peter Kurath, Stefano Foletti and Piermaria Davoli, Fatigue response of NiFeGa single crystals , Scripta Materialia , 57, 5, 2007, 409-412. (pdf)
- (144) R.F. Hamilton, H. Sehitoglu , C. Efstathiou and H.J. Maier, Mechanical response of NiFeGa alloys containing second-phase particles , Scripta Materialia ,57, 6 , 2007, 497-499. (pdf)
- (143)R.F. Hamilton, H. Sehitoglu , C. Efstathiou and H.J. Maier ,Inter-martensitic transitions in Ni-Fe-Ga single crystals , Acta Materialia , 55, 14, 4867-4876, 2007 (pdf)
- (142) E.G. Astafurova, I.V.Kireeva, Y. I.Chumlyakov, H.J.Maier, H. Sehitoglu, The Influence of Orientation and Alumnium Content on the Deformation Mechanisms of Hadfield Steel Single Crystals”, Int. J. Mat. Res. (formerly Z. Metallkd.), 98, 144-149,2007. (pdf)
- (141) D. Canadinc , H. Sehitoglu, H.J. Maier , “The role of dense dislocation walls on the deformation response of aluminum alloyed hadfield steel polycrystals”, Materials Science and Engineering, 454,662-666, 2007. (pdf)
- (140) Canadinc, D., H. Sehitoglu, H. J. Maier, D. Niklasch, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Orientation Evolution in Hadfield Steel Single Crystals under Combined Slip and Twinning,” International Journal Solids and Structures, 44, 34-50, 2007. (pdf)
- (139) Callaway, J. D., R. F. Hamilton, H. Sehitoglu, N. Miller, H. J. Maier, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Shape Memory and Martensitic Deformation Response of Ni2Mn Ga,” Smart Materials and Structures, 16, S108-S114, 2007. (pdf)
- (138) E.Yu.Kuznetsov, Tverdokhlebova, A.V.; Chumlyakov, Yu.I.; Karaman, I.; Sehitoglu, H. , Thermoelastic martensitic transformations, shape memory effect, and superelasticity in Ni54 Fe19 Ga27 ferromagnetic single crystals, Panchenko, Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, v 70, n 9, 2006, p 1549-1553
- (137) Kibey, S., J. B. Liu, D. D. Johnson, and H. Sehitoglu, “Generalized Planar Fault Energies and Twinning in Cu-AL Alloys,” Applied Physics Letters, 89:19, 191911, 2006. (pdf)
- (136) Callaway, J. D., H. Sehitoglu, R. F. Hamilton, K. Aslantas, N. Miller, H. J. Maier, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Magnetic Shape Memory in Ni2MnGa as Influenced by the Deformation Response” Applied Physics Letters, 89:22, 221905, 2006. (pdf)
- (135) S. Kibey, J. B. Liu, M. J. Curtis, D. D. Johnson, and H. Sehitoglu, “Effect of Nitrogen on Generalized Staking Fault Energy and Stacking Fault Widths in High Nitrogen Steels, Acta Materialia, 54, 2991-3001, 2006. (pdf)
- (134) Hamilton, R. F., H. Sehitoglu, C. Efstathiou, H. J. Maier, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Pseudoelasticity in Co-Ni-AL Single and Polycrystals,” Acta. Materialia, 54, 587-599, 2006. (pdf)
- (133) Hamilton, R. F., C. Efstathiou, H. Sehitoglu, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Thermal and Stress-Induced Martensitic Transformations in NiFeGa Single Crystals under Tension and Compression,” Scripta Materialia, 54:3, 465-469, 2006. (pdf)
- (132)w* Sehitoglu, H., C. Efstathiou, H. J. Maier, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Hysteresis and Deformation Mechanisms of Transforming FeNiCoTi,” Mechanics of Materials, 38, 538-550, 2006. pdf
- (131) Hamilton, R. F., H. Sehitoglu., C. Efstathiou, H. J. Maier, Y. Chumlyakov, and X. Y. Zhang, “Transformation of Co-Ni-Al Single Crystals in Tension,” Scripta Materialia, 53:1, 131-136, 2005. (pdf)
- (130)w*Wagoner Johnson, A., R. F. Hamilton, H. Sehitoglu, G. Baillas, H. J. Maier, Y. I. Chumlyakov, and H. S. Woo, “Analysis of Multistep Transformations in Single Crystal NiTi,” Met. and Materials Trans., 36A:4, 919-928, 2005. (pdf)
- (129)w* Sehitoglu, H., C. Efstathiou, H. J. Maier, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Magnetization, Shape Memory and Hysteresis Behavior of Single and Polycrystalline FeNiCoTi,” J. Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 292, 89-99, 2005. (pdf)
- (128)w*Canadinc, D., H. Sehitoglu, H. J. Maier, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Strain Hardening Behavior of Aluminum Alloyed Hadfield Steel Single Crystals,” Acta Materialia, 53, 1831-1842, 2005. (pdf)
- (127)w*Sehitoglu, H. T. Foglesong, and H. J. Maier, “Precipitate Effects on the Mechanical Behavior of Aluminum Copper Alloys – Part II: Modeling,” Metal and Materials Trans., 36A, 763-770, 2005. (pdf)
- (126)w*Sehitoglu, H., T. Foglesong, and H. J. Maier, “Precipitate Effects on the Mechanical Behavior of Aluminum Copper Alloys – Part I: Experiments,” Metal. and Materials Trans., 36A, 749-761, 2005. (pdf)
- (125) Karaman, I., E. G. Zakharova, I. V. Kireeva, Y. I. Chumlyakov, A. Shulmina, and H. Sehitoglu, “The Effect of Aluminum on Strength and Deformation Mechanisms in Hadfield Steel Single Crystals,” J. de Physique IV, 115, 243-250, 2004.
- (124)w* Chumlyakov, Y. I., E. Y. Panchenko, V. B. Aksenor, I. V. Kireeva, M. P. Kulesa, I. Karaman, and H. Sehitoglu, “The Shape Memory Effect and Superelasticity in Ti-Ni Single Crystals with One Variant Dispersed Particles,” J. de Physique IV, 115, 21-28, 2004.
- (123)w* Kibey, S., H. Sehitoglu, and D. Pecknold, “Modeling of Fatigue Crack Closure in Inclined and Deflected Cracks,” Int. J. Fracture, 129:3, 279-308, 2004. (pdf)
- (122)w* Alaca, E., Sehitoglu, H. and T. Saif, “Guided Self-assembly of Metallic Nanowires and Channels,” Appl. Phys. Letters, 84:23, 4669-4671, 2004. (pdf)
- (121)w* Chumlyakov, Y I.., I. V. Kireeva, E. Y. Panchenko, E. G. Zakharova, V. A. Kirillov, S. P. Efimenko, and H. Sehitoglu, “Shape Memory Effects in FeNiCoTi Single Crystals Undergoing Gamma to Alpha Thermoelastic Martensitic Transformations, Doklady Physics, 49:1, 47-59, 2004.
- (120)w* Efstathiou, C., H. Sehitoglu, A. J. Wagoner Johnson, R. F. Hamilton, H. J. Maier, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Large Reduction in Critical Stress in Co-Ni-AL upon Repeated Transformation,” Scripta Materialia, 51, 979-985, 2004. (pdf)
- (119)w* Zhang, X. and H. Sehitoglu, “Crystallography of the B2?R?B19′ Phase Transformations of NiTi,” Materials Science and Engineering., A374, 292-302, 2004. (119)
- (118)w* Hamilton, R. F., H. Sehitoglu, Y. Chumlyakov, and H. J. Maier, “Stress Dependence of the Hysteresis in Single Crystal Ni-Ti Alloys,” Acta Materialia, 52, 3383-3402, 2004. (pdf)
- (117)w* H. Sehitoglu, R. Hamilton, H. J. Maier, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Hysteresis in Ni-Ti Alloys,” J. de Physique IV, 115, 3-10, 2003. (pdf)
- (116)w* Chumlyakov, Y., E. Y. Panchenko, I. V. Kireeva, D. A. Shaporov, V. B. Aksenov, H. Sehitoglu, I. Karaman, K. Gall, and H. Maier, “The Shape Memory Effect and Superelasticity in Nickel-Titanium Single Crystals Aged Under Applied Stress,” J. de Physique IV, 112, 799-802, 2003.
- (115)w* Chumlyakov, Y., I. V. Kireeva, E. Y. Panchenko, V. B. Aksenov, V. A. Kirillov, A. V. Ovsyannikov, E. G. Zakharova, and H. Sehitoglu, “Shape Memory Effect and Superelasticity in Ti-Ni and Fe-Ni-Co-Ti Single Crystals,” Russian Physics Journal, 46:8, 811-823, 2003.
- (114)w* Kotil T., H. Sehitoglu, H. J. Maier, and Y. I. Chumlyakov, “Transformation and Detwinning Induced Electrical Resistance Variations in NiTiCu,” Materials and Engineering, A359, 280-289, 2003. (pdf)
- (113)w* Panchenko, E. Y., I. V. Kireeva, Y. I. Chumlyakov, V. B. Aksenov, S. P. Efimenko, I. Karaman, and H. Sehitoglu, “Features of Thermoelastic Martenstic Transformations in [001] Titanium-Nickel Single Crystals,” Doklady Physics, 48, 34-37, 2003.
- (112)w* Sehitoglu, H., D. Canadinc, R. Hamilton, X. Y. Zhang, K. Gall, I. Karaman, Y. Chumlyakov, and H. J. Maier, “Detwinning in NiTi Alloys,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 34A:1, 5-13, 2003. (pdf)
- (111)w* Engler Pinto Jr., C. C., H. Sehitoglu, and H. J. Maier, “Cyclic Behavior of AL319 T7B Under Isothermal and Nonisothermal Conditions,” ASTM STP, 1428, 45-64, 2003.
- (110)w* Canadinc, D., I. Karaman, H. Sehitoglu, Y. Chumlyakov, and H. J. Maier, “The Role of Nitrogen on the Deformation Response of Hadfield Steel Single Crystals,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 34A:9, 1821-1831, 2003. (pdf)
- (109)w* Newman, M, B. Robinson, H. Sehitoglu, and J. Dantzig, “Deformation Residual Stress and Constitutive Relations for Quenched W319 Aluminum,” Metallurgical Transactions, 34A:7, 1483-1491, 2003.
- (108)w* Su, X., M. Zubeck, J. Lasecki, H. Sehitoglu, C. Engler, C. Tang, and J. Allison, “Thermo-mechanical Analysis of Cast Aluminum Engine Components,” ASTM STP, 1428, 2003.
- (107)w* Chumlyakov, Y., I. Kireeva, E. Zakharova, N. Luzginova, H. Sehitoglu, and I. Karaman, “Strain Hardening and Fracture of Austenitic Steel Single Crystals with High Concentration of Interstitial Atoms,” Russian Physics Journal, 45, 3, 2002.
- (106)w* Sehitoglu, H., X. Y. Zhang, T. Kotil, D. Canadinc, Y. Chumlyakov, and H. J. Maier, “Shape Memory Behavior of FeNiCoTi Single and Polycrystals,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 33A, 3661-3672, 2002. (pdf)
- (105)w* Alaca, B., J. C. Selby, M. T. A. Saif, and H. Sehitoglu, “Biaxial Testing of Nanosccale Films on Compliant Substrates Fatigue and Fracture,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 73:8, 2963-2970, 2002. (pdf)
- (104)w* Karaman, I., H. Sehitoglu, Y. I. Chumlyakov, and H. J. Maier, “Deformation of Low Stacking Fault Energy Austenitic Steels,” Journal of Metals, 54, 7, 2002.
- (103)w* E. G. Zakharova, I. V. Kireeva, Yu I. Chumlyakov, S. P. Efimenko, H. Sehitoglu, and I. Karaman, “Deformation Mechanisms and Strain Hardening of Hadfield Steel Single Crystals Alloyed with Aluminum,” Doklady Physics, 47, 515, 2002.
- (102)w* Y. I. Chumlyakov, E. Yu Panchenko, I.V. Kireeva, S. P. Efimenko, V. B. Aksenov, and H. Sehitoglu, “Dependence of Shape Memory Effect and Superelasticity on the Number of Variants of Disperesed Particles in Titanium-Nickel Single Crystals,” Doklady Physics, 47, 510, 2002.
- (101)w* Gall, K., M. Dunn, Y. Liu, P. Labossiere, H. Sehitoglu, and Y. I. Chumlyakov, “Micro and Macro Deformation of Single Crystal NiTi,” Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology A, 124, 238, 2002.
- (100)w* Alaca, B. E., M. T. A. Saif, and H. Sehitoglu, “On the Interface Debond at the Edge of a Thin Film on a Thick Substrate,” Acta Materialia, 50, 1197-1209, 2002.
- (99)w* Jiang, Y., B. Xu, and H. Sehitoglu, “Three-dimensional Elastic-plastic Stress Analysis of Rolling Contact,” Journal of Tribology, 124, 699-708, 2002. (pdf)
- (98)w* Chumlyakov, Y. I., S. P. Epinenko, I. V. Kireeva, E. Y. Panchenko, H. Sehitoglu, K. Gall, and L. H. Yahia, “Effects of Shape Memory and Superelasticity in Aged TiNi Single Crystals,” Doklady Physics, 46:12, 849-852, 2001.
- (97)w* Karaman, I., H. Sehitoglu, H. J. Maier, and Y. I. Chumlyakov, “‘Competing Mechanisms and Modeling of Deformation in Austenitic Stainless Steel Single Crystals With and Without Nitrogen,” Acta Materialia, 49:19, 3919 3933, 2001.
- (96)w* Gall, K., N. Yang, H. Sehitoglu, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Fracture of Precipitated Single Crystal and Polycrystalline NiTi Shape Memory Alloys,” International Journal of Fracture, 109, 189 207, 2001.
- (95)w* Sehitoglu, H., J. Jun, X. Zhang, I. Karaman, Y. Chumlyakov, H. J. Maier, and K. Gall, “Shape Memory and Pseudoelastic Behavior of 51.5% Ni Ti Single Crystals in Solutionized and Overaged State,” Acta Materialia, 49, 3609 3620, 2001. (pdf)
- (94)w* Gall, K., K. Juntunen, H. J. Maier, H. Sehitoglu, and Y. I. Chumlyakov, “Instrumented Micro Indentation of NiTi Shape Memory Alloys,” Acta Materialia, 49, 3205-3217, 2001. Single Crystals,” Acta Materialia, 49, 3621 3634, 2001.
- (93) Sehitoglu, H., I. Karaman, X. Zhang, A. Viswanath, Y. Chumlyakov, and H. J. Maier, “Strain temperature Behavior of NiTiCu Shape Memory Single Crystals,” Acta Materialia, 49, 3621 3634, 2001(pdf) .
- (92)w* Karaman, I., H. Sehitoglu, Y. I. Chumlyakov, H. J. Maier, and I. V. Kireeva, “Extrinsic Stacking Faults and Twinning in Hadfield Manganese Steel Single Crystals,” Scripta Materialia, 44, 337 343, 2001.
- (91)w* Karaman, I., H. Sehitoglu, Y. I. Chumlyakov, H. J. Maier, and I. V. Kireeva, “The Effect of Twinning and Slip on the Bauschinger Effect on Hadfield Steel Single Crystals,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 32A:3, 695 706, 2001.(pdf)
- (90)w* Sehitoglu, H., I. Karaman, X. Zhang, H. Kim, Y. I. Chumlyakov, H. J. Maier, and I. V. Kireeva, “Deformation of NiTiCu Shape Memory Single Crystals in Compression,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 32A:3, 477 490, 2001.
- (89)w* Sehitoglu, H., I. Karaman, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Chumlyakov, and H. J. Maier, “Deformation of FeNiCoTi Shape Memory Single Crystals,” Scripta Materialia, 44, 779 784, 2001. and Engineering, A314, 67 74, 2001.
- (87)w* Gall, K., H. Sehitoglu, R. Anderson, I. Karaman, Y. Chumlyakov, and I. V. Kireeva, “On the Mechanical Behavior of Single Crystal NiTi Shape Memory Alloys and Related Polycrystalline Phenomenon,” Materials Science and Engineering, A317, 85 92, 2001. (pdf)
- (86)w* Chumlyakov, Y., I. Kireeva, E. Litvinova, E. G. Zakharova, N. V. Luzginova, H. Sehitoglu, and I. Karaman, “Strain Hardening in Single Crystals of Hadfield Steel,” Physics of Metals and Metallography, 90, Suppl. 1, S1 S17, 2000.
- (85)w* Sehitoglu, H., I. Karaman, R. Anderson, X. Zhang, K. Gall, H. J. Maier, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Compressive Response of NiTi Single Crystals,” Acta Materialia, 48, 3311 3326, 2000. (pdf)
- (84)w* Karaman, I., H. Sehitoglu, A. J. Beaudoin, Y. Chumlyakov, H. J. Maier, and C. N. Tomé, “Modeling the Deformation Behavior of Hadfield Steel Single and Polycrystals due to Twinning and Slip,” Acta Materialia, 48, 2031-2047, 2000 (pdf)
- (83)w* Karaman, I., K. Gall, H. Sehitoglu, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Deformation of Single Crystal Hadfield Steel by Twinning and Slip,” Acta Materialia, 48, 1345-1359, 2000.
- (82)* Andrews, S. and H. Sehitoglu, “A Computer Model for Fatigue Crack Growth from Rough Surfaces,” International Journal of Fatigue, 22:7, 619 630, 2000. 319-T7B with Small Secondary Dendrite Arm Spacing,” ASTM STP 1371, 53 68, 2000.
- (80)w* Andrews, S. D., H. Sehitoglu, and I. Karaman, “Constriction Energy in the Presence of a Solute Field,” Journal of Applied Physics, 87:5, 2194-2203, 2000. Response of Aluminum 319 T6 Under Thermomechanical Loading,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 31A:1, 139 152, 2000. Sehitoglu, and I. Karaman, “Twinning in Gadfield Steel Single Crystals,” Doklady Physics, 45:3, 101 104, 2000.
- (77)w* Gall, K., T. J. Lim, D. McDowell, H. Sehitoglu, and Y. I. Chumlyakov, “The Role of Intergranular Constraint on the Stress-Induced Martensitic Transformation in Textured Polycrystalline NiTi,” International Journal of Plasticity, 16, 1189 1214, 2000. (pdf)
- (76)* Chumlyakov, Y. I., I. V. Kireeva, H. Sehitoglu, E. I. Litvinova, E. G. Zaharova, and N. V. Luzginova, “High Strength Single Crystals of Austenitic Stainless Steels with Nitrogen Content: Mechanisms of Deformation and Fracture,” Materials Science Forum, 318, 395 400, 1999.
- (75)w* Litvinova, E. I., I. V. Kireeva, E. G. Zaharova, N. V. Luzginova, Y. I. Chumlyakov, H. Sehitoglu, and I. Karaman, “Twinning in Hadfield Steel Single Crystals,” Physical Mesomechanics, 2:1-2, 107 112, 1999.
- (74)w* Saif, M. T. A., E. Alaca, and H. Sehitoglu, “Analytical Modeling of Electrostatic Membrane Actuator for Micro Pumps,” Journal of MEMS, 8:3, 1999.
- (73)w* Gall, K., H. Sehitoglu, Y. Chumlyakov, and I. Kireeva, “Tension Compression Asymmetry of the Stress Strain Response of Aged Single Crystal and Polycrystalline NiTi,” Acta Materialia, 47:4, 1203 1217, 1999.
- (72)w* Jiang, Y. and H. Sehitoglu, “A Model for Rolling Contact Failure,” Wear, 224, 38 49, 1999.
- (71)w* Smith, T. J., H. J. Maier, H. Sehitoglu, E. Fleury, and J. A. Allison, “Modeling High Temperature Stress Strain Behavior of Cast Aluminum Alloys,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 30A, 133 146, 1999.
- (70)w* Gall, K., H. Sehitoglu, Y. Chumlyakov, and I. Kireeva, “Pseudoelastic Cyclic Stress Strain Response of Over-aged Single Crystal Ti 50.8%Ni,” Scripta Materialia, 40:1, 7 12, 1999.
- (69)w* Gall, K., H. Sehitoglu, Y. I. Chumlyakov, I. V. Kireeva, and H. J. Maier, “The Influence of Aging on Critical Transformation Stress Levels and Martensite Start Temperatures in NiTi: Part II-Discussion of Experimental Results,” Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 121:1, 28 37, 1999.
- (68)w* Gall, K., H. Sehitoglu, Y. I. Chumlyakov, I. V. Kireeva, and H. J. Maier, “The Influence on Critical Transformation Stress Levels and Martensite Start Temperatures in NiTi: Part I-Aged Microstructure and Micro-Mechanical Modeling,” Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 121:1, 19 27, 1999.
- (67)w* Gall, K. and H. Sehitoglu, “The Role of Texture in Tension-Compression Asymmetry in Polycrystalline NiTi,” International Journal of Plasticity, 15, 69-92, 1999.
- (66)w* Sehitoglu, H. and A. M. Garcia, “Contact of Nonflat Crack Surfaces During Fatigue,” American Society of Testing Materials, STP 1343, 367 378, 1999.
- (65)* Chumlyakov, Y., H. Sehitoglu, I. V. Kireeva, E. I. Litvirova, E. G. Zakharova, and I. S. Kalashnikov, “Plastic Deformation in Single Crystals of Gadfield Steel,” Doklady Physics, 43:7, 415 418, 1998.
- (64)w* Gall, K., H. Sehitoglu, Y. I. Chumlyakov, Y. L. Zuev, and I. Karaman, “The Role of Coherent Precipitates in Martensiti Transformations in Single Crystal and Polycrystalline Ti %0.8% Ni,” Scripta Materialia, 39:6, 699 705, 1998.
- (63)w* Karaman, I., H. Sehitoglu, K. Gall, and Y. Chumlyakov, “On the Deformation Mechanisms in Single Crystal Hadfield Manganese Steels,” Scripta Materialia, 38:6, 1009 1015, 1998.
- (62)w* Gall, K., H. Sehitoglu, and H. J. Maier, “Stress Induced Martensitic Phase Transformation in Polycrystalline CuZnAl Shape Memory Alloys in Different Stress States,” Metallurgical Transactions, 29A, 765 773, 1998.
- (61)w* Karaman, I., H. Sehitoglu, H. J. Maier, and M. Balzer, “Stress State Effects on the Stress Induced Martensitic Transformation of Carburized 4320 Steels,” Metallurgical Transactions, 29A, 427 437, Feb. 1998.
- (60)* Mazumder, J., H. Cheng, T. Yamomoto, T. Duffey, H. Sehitoglu, M. H. Jilavi, and W. M. Knver, “Nanocrystalline NbAL3 Powders and NbAL3/AL Multilayers by Laser Ablation Deposition,” Nanostructured Materials, 9, 1 8, 1997.
- (59)w* Sehitoglu, H. and A. M. Garcia, “Contact of Crack Surfaces During Fatigue, Part 2 Simulations,” Metallurgical Transactions, 28A, 2277 2289, 1997 (pdf).
- (58)w* Garcia, A. M. and H. Sehitoglu, “Contact of Crack Surfaces During Fatigue, Part I Formulation of the Model,” Metallurgical Transactions, 28A, 2263-2275, 1997 (pdf)
- (57)w* Gall, K., H. Sehitoglu, and Y. Kadioglu, “A Methodology for Predicting Variability in Microstructurally Short Fatigue Crack Growth Rates,” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials Technology, 119, 171 179, April 1997.
- (56)w* Balzer, M. and H. Sehitoglu, “A New Apparatus for Studying Mechanical Behavior Under Pressure, ” Experimental Mechanics, 37:1, 87 95, March 1997.
- (55)w* Gall, K., H. Sehitoglu, and Y. Kadioglu, “Plastic Zones and Fatigue Crack Closure Under Plane-Strain Double Slip,” Metallurgical Transactions, 27A, 3491 3502, 1996.
- (54)w* Sehitoglu, H., K. Gall, and A. M. Garcia, “Recent Advances in Fatigue Crack Growth Modeling,” International Journal of Fracture, 80:2-3,165 192, 1996 (pdf)
- (53)w* Jacobus, K., H. Sehitoglu, and M. Balzer, “Effect of Stress State on the Stress-Induced Martensitic Transformation in Polycrystalline Ni TI Alloy,” Metallurgical Transactions, 27A, 3066 3073, 1996 (pdf).
- (52)w* Jiang, Y., and H. Sehitoglu, “Rolling Contact Stress Analysis with the Application of a New Plasticity Model,” Wear, 191, 35 44, 1996.
- (51)w* Karayaka, M. and H. Sehitoglu, “Failure Behavior of Unidirectional AS4/3501 6 Carbon Epoxy Laminates,” Journal of Composite Materials, 30, 1150 1176, 1996.
- (50)w*! Gall, K., H. Sehitoglu, and Y. Kadioglu, “FEM Study of Fatigue Crack Closure Under Double Slip,” Acta Metallurgica, 44:10, 3955 3965, 1996.
- (49)w*! Jiang, Y. and H. Sehitoglu, “Modeling of Cyclic Ratchetting Plasticity: Part 2 Comparison of Model Simulations with Experiments,” ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 63, 726 733, 1996.
- (48)w*! Jiang, Y. and H. Sehitoglu, “Modeling of Cyclic Ratchetting Plasticity: Part 1 Development of Constitutive Relations,” ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 63, 720 725, 1996.Engineering Materials and Technology, 117, 94 102, 1996.
- (46)w* Jiang, Y. and H. Sehitoglu, “Comments on MROZ Multiple Surface Type Plasticity Models,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 33:7, 1053-1068, 1996.
- (45)* Jiang, R. and H. Sehitoglu, “Multiaxial Cyclic Ratchetting Under Multiple Step Loading,” International Journal of Plasticity, 10:7, 1994.
- (44)* Jiang, R. and H. Sehitoglu, “Cyclic Ratchetting of 1070 Steel Under Multiaxial Stress States,” International Journal of Plasticity, 10:5, 579 608, 1994.
- (43)* Jiang, R. and H. Sehitoglu, “An Analytical Approach to Elastic Plastic Stress Analysis of Rolling Contact,” ASME Journal of Tribology, 116:3, 1994.
- (42)w* Neu, R. and H. Sehitoglu, “Measurement of Transformation Strain During Fatigue Testing,” ASTM STP, 1231, 577 593, 1994.
- (41)w* Neu, R. and H. Sehitoglu, “Simulation of Cone Bore Growth in Bearings with a Three-Ring Model,” ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 61:3,589 595, 1994.
- (40)w* Karayaka, M. and H. Sehitoglu, “Thermomechanical Deformation Modeling of A12xxx T4/SiC.p Composites,” Acta Metallurgica, 41:1, 175 189, 1993.
- (39)* Hour, K. Y. and H. Sehitoglu, “Damage Development in a Short Fiber Reinforced Composite,” Journal of Composites, 27:8, 782, 1993.
- (38)w* Kadioglu, Y. and H. Sehitoglu, “Modeling of Thermomechanical Fatigue Damage in Coated Alloys,” ASTM STP, 1186,17 34, 1993.
- (37)w* Neu, R. and H. Sehitoglu, “Thermal Induced Transformations of Retained Austenite in the Simulated Case of a Carburized Steel,” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 115, 83 88, 1993.
- (36)w* Neu, R. and H. Sehitoglu, “Low Temperature Creep of a Carburized Steel,” Metallurgical Transactions, 23A, 2619 2624, 1992.
- (35)w* Sehitoglu, H. and M. Karayaka, ”Prediction of Thermomechanical Fatigue Lives in Metal Matrix Composites,” Metallurgical Transactions, 23A, 2209-2038,1992.
- (34)w* McClung, R. C. and H. Sehitoglu, “Closure and Growth of Fatigue Cracks at Notches,” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 113:1, 1 9, 1992.
- (33)w* Karayaka, M. and H. Sehitoglu, “Thermomechanical Cyclic Deformation of Metal Matrix Composites,” ASTM STP, 1157, 101 120, 1992.
- (32)w* Sun, W. and H. Sehitoglu, “Residual Stress Fields During Fatigue Crack Growth,” Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 15:2, 115-128, 1992 (pdf).
- (31)w*! Neu, R. and H. Sehitoglu, “Stress Induced Transformations in a Carburized Steel – Experiments and Modeling,” Acta Metallurgica, 40:9, 2257 2268, 1991.
- (30)w* Sehitoglu, H. and W. Sun, “Mechanisms of Crack Closure in Plane Strain and in Plane Stress,” Fatigue under Biaxial and Multiaxial Loading, ESIS 10, 1 21, 1991.
- (29)w* Sehitoglu, H. and W. Sun, “Modeling of Plane Strain Fatigue Crack Closure,” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 113, 31 41, 1991.
- (28)w* Karayaka, M. and H. Sehitoglu, “Thermomechanical Fatigue of Particulate-Reinforced Aluminum 2xxx-T4,” Metallurgical Transactions, 22A, 697 708, 1991.
- (27)w* McClung, R. C. and H. Sehitoglu, “Characterization of Fatigue Crack Growth in Intermediate and Large Scale Yielding,” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 113, 15 23, 1991.
- (26)* Sehitoglu, H., “Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Life Prediction Methods,” ASTM STP 1122, 47 77, 1990.
- (25)w* Neu, R. and H. Sehitoglu, “Transformation of Retained Austenite in Carburized 4320 Steel,” Metallurgical Transactions, 22A, 1491 1500, 1990.
- (24)w* Neu, R. and H. Sehitoglu, “Determination of Cone Bore Growth Due to Microstructural Changes,” ASME Journal of Tribology, 112, 433 441, 1990.
- (23)w* Boismier, D. A. and H. Sehitoglu, “Thermo-mechanical Fatigue of Mar M247 Part 2 Life Prediction,” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 112, 80 90, 1990.
- (22)* Sehitoglu, H. and D. A. Boismier, “Thermo-mechanical Fatigue of Mar M247: Part 1 Experiments,” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 112, 68 80, 1990.
- (21)w* Neu, R. and H. Sehitoglu, “Thermomechanical Fatigue Oxidation and Creep: Part II. Life Prediction,” Metallurgical Transactions, 20A, 1769 1783, 1989.
- (20)w*! Neu, R. and H. Sehitoglu, “Thermomechanical Fatigue, Oxidation, and Creep: Part I. Damage Mechanisms,” Metallurgical Transactions, 20A, 1755 1767, 1989.
- (19)*! Sehitoglu, H., “Changes in State Variables at Elevated Temperatures,” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 111, 192 203, 1989.
- (18)w* McClung, R. C, and H. Sehitoglu, “On the Finite Element Analysis of Fatigue Crack Closure-Part II: Numerical Results,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 33:2, 253-272, 1989.
- (17)w*! McClung, R. C. and H. Sehitoglu, “On the Finite Element Analysis of Crack Closure, Part I: Basic Modeling Issues,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 33:2, 237 252, 1989.
- (16)w* Sehitoglu, H. and W. Sun, “The Significance of Crack Closure under High Temperature Fatigue Crack Growth with Hold Periods,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 33:3, 371 388, 1989.
- (15)* Sehitoglu, H., D. F. Socie, and D. W. Worthem, “Small Crack Growth Behavior during Biaxial Fatigue,” American Society for Testing and Materials, Critical Experiments and Fundamental Questions in Fatigue, ASTM STP 924, 120 136, 1988.
- (14)w* Karasek, M., H. Sehitoglu, and D. Slavik, “Deformation and Fatigue Damage in 1070 Steel under Thermal Loading,” American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM STP 942, 184 205, 1988.
- (13)w* Lalor, P. and H. Sehitoglu, “Fatigue Crack Closure Outside a Small-Scale Yielding Regime,” American Society for Testing and Materials, STP 982, 342 360, 1988.
- (12)w* McClung, R. C. and H. Sehitoglu, “Closure Behavior of Short Cracks under High Strain Fatigue Histories,” American Society for Testing and Materials, STP 982, 279 299, 1988.
- (11)* Sehitoglu, H., “Crack Growth Studies under Selected Temperature Strain Histories,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 26:4, 475 489, 1987.
- (10)w* Lalor, P., H. Sehitoglu, and R. C. McClung, “Mechanics Aspects of Small Crack Growth The Role of Crack Closure,” The Behavior of Short Fatigue Cracks, EGF 1, 369 387, 1986.
- (9)w* Slavik, D. and H. Sehitoglu, “Constitutive Models Suitable for Thermal Loading,” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 108:4, 303-312, 1986.
- (8)* Sehitoglu, H. and M. Karasek, “Observations of Material Behavior under Isothermal and Thermo-mechanical Loading,” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 108:2, 192 198, 1986.
- (7)* Sehitoglu, H., “Material Behavior under Thermal Loading,” ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel and Piping Technology, 108:1, 113 119, 1986.
- (6)* Fec, M. C. and H. Sehitoglu, “Thermal-Mechanical Damage in Railroad Wheels Due to Hot Spotting,” Journal of Wear, 102, 31 42, 1985.
- (5)* Sehitoglu, H., “Constraint Effect in Thermo-mechanical Fatigue,” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 107, 221 226, 1985.
- (4)* Sehitoglu, H., “Crack Opening and Closure in Fatigue,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 21:2, 329 339, 1985.
- (3)* Sehitoglu, H., “Characterization of Crack Closure,” American Society for Testing and Materials, STP 868, 361 380, 1985.
- (2)* Sehitoglu, H., “Fatigue Life Prediction of Notched Members Based on Local Strain and Elastic Plastic Fracture Mechanics Concepts,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 18:3, 609 621, 1983.
- (1)* Sehitoglu, H. and D. L. McDiarmid, “The Effect of Load Stepdown on Fatigue Crack Arrest and Retardation,” International Journal of Fatigue, 55 60, 1980.
Chapters in Books
- (3) Sehitoglu, H., “The Effect of Particle Size on Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue of AlSiC Metal Matrix Composites,” Fatigue under Thermal and Mechanical Loading: Mechanisms, Mechanics and Modeling, J. Bressers, L. Rémy, M. Steen, and J. L. Vallés, eds., Kluwer, 371-380, 1996.
- (2) Sehitoglu, H., “Thermo-mechanical Deformation of Engineering Alloys and Components-Experiments and Modeling,” NATO ASI – Mechanical Behavior of Materials at High Temperature, C. Moura Branco, R. Ritchie, and V. Sklenicka, eds., Kluwer, 349-379, 1996.
- (1) Sehitoglu, H., Thermal and Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue of Structural Alloys, Handbook on Fatigue and Fracture, ASM, 19, 527-554, 1996.